Where to Find Directory Server Information24 Red Hat Directory Server Plug-in Programmer’s Guide • May 2005http://server.domain/path/file.htmlIn these URLs, server represents the name of the server on which you run yourapplication (such as research1 or www), domain represents your Internet domainname (such as example.com), path represents the directory structure on the server,and file.html represents an individual filename.If your server has Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enabled, you would use httpsinstead of http in the URL.This book uses the following font conventions:• The monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, API andlanguage elements (such as function names and class names), filenames,pathnames, directory names, HTML tags, and any text that must be typed onthe screen.• Italic type is used for book titles, emphasis, placeholders, glossary terms,variables, and words used in the literal sense.Where to Find Directory Server InformationThis book explains how to write your own server plug-ins to customize theDirectory Server. You can write plug-ins that validate data before the data isstored in the directory, that notify users when data has changed, or that replacethe standard database in the Directory Server with your own database.The document set for Directory Server also contains the following guides:• Red Hat Directory Server Deployment Guide. Contains procedures for theday-to-day maintenance of your directory service. Includes information onconfiguring server-side plug-ins.• Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide. Contains procedures for installingyour Directory Server as well as procedures for migrating from a previousinstallation of Directory Server.• Red Hat Directory Server Administrator’s Guide. Contains procedures for theday-to-day maintenance of your directory service. Includes information onconfiguring server-side plug-ins.• Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference. Containsinformation about using the command-line scripts shipped with DirectoryServer.