Glossary 619master agent See SNMP master agent.matching rule Provides guidelines for how the server compares strings during asearch operation. In an international search, the matching rule tells the server whatcollation order and operator to use.MD5 A message digest algorithm by RSA Data Security, Inc., which can be usedto produce a short digest of data that is unique with high probability and ismathematically extremely hard to produce; a piece of data that will produce thesame message digest.MD5 signature A message digest produced by the MD5 algorithm.MIB Management Information Base. All data, or any portion thereof, associatedwith the SNMP network. We can think of the MIB as a database which contains thedefinitions of all SNMP managed objects. The MIB has a tree-like hierarchy, wherethe top level contains the most general information about the network and lowerlevels deal with specific, separate network areas.MIB namespace Management Information Base namespace. The means for directorydata to be named and referenced. Also called the directory tree.monetary format Specifies the monetary symbol used by specific region, whetherthe symbol goes before or after its value, and how monetary units are represented.multi-master replication An advanced replication scenario in which two serverseach hold a copy of the same read-write replica. Each server maintains a changelogfor the replica. Modifications made on one server are automatically replicated tothe other server. In case of conflict, a time stamp is used to determine which serverholds the most recent version.multiplexor The server containing the database link that communicates with theremote server.n + 1 directory problem The problem of managing multiple instances of thesame information in different directories, resulting in increased hardware andpersonnel collisions Multiple entries with the same distinguished name.nested role Allows the creation of roles that contain other roles.