Functions for Managing Backend OperationsChapter 15 Function Reference 271slapi_be_free() Frees memory and linked resources from the backendstructure.slapi_be_get_instance_info() Gets the instance information of the specified backend.slapi_be_get_name() Returns the name of the specified backend.slapi_be_get_readonly() Indicates if the database associated with the backend is inread-only mode.slapi_be_getentrypoint() Sets pointer to a callback function that corresponds to thespecified entry point into a given backend.slapi_be_getsuffix() Returns the n+1 suffix associated with the specified backend.slapi_be_gettype() Returns the type of the backend.slapi_be_is_flag_set() Checks if a flag is set in the backend configuration.slapi_be_issuffix() Verifies that the specified suffix matches a registered backendsuffix.slapi_be_logchanges() Indicates if the changes applied to the backend should belogged in the changelog.slapi_be_new() Creates a new backend structure, allocates memory for it, andinitializes values for relevant parameters.slapi_be_private() Verifies if the backend is private.slapi_be_select() Finds the backend that should be used to service the entrywith the specified DN.slapi_be_select_by_instance_name() Find the backend used to service the database.slapi_be_set_flag() Sets the specified flag in the backend.slapi_be_set_instance_info() Sets the instance information of the specified backend withgiven data.slapi_be_set_readonly() Sets a flag to denote that the backend is meant to be read-only.slapi_be_setentrypoint() Sets the entry point in the backend to the specified function.slapi_get_first_backend() Returns a pointer of the backend structure of the firstbackend.slapi_get_first_suffix() Returns the first root suffix of the DIT.slapi_get_next_backend() Returns a pointer to the next backend.slapi_get_next_suffix() Returns the DN of the next root suffix of the DIT.slapi_is_root_suffix() Checks if a suffix is a root suffix of the DIT.Table 15-6 Backend Routines (Continued)Function Description