Database Plug-in AttributesChapter 3 Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference 173nsslapd-import-cache-autosizeThis performance tuning-related attribute automatically sets the size of the importcache (importCache) to be used during the command-line-based import process ofLDIF files to the database (the ldif2db operation).In Directory Server, the import operation can be run as a server task or exclusivelyon the command-line. In the task mode, the import operation runs as a generalDirectory Server operation. The nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attributeenables you to set importCache automatically to a predetermined size when theimport operation is run on the command-line. The attribute can also used byDirectory Server during the task mode import for allocating a specified percentageof free memory for importCache.By default, the nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute is enabled and is set toa value of -1. This value autosizes importCache for the ldif2db operation only,automatically allocating fifty percent (50%) of the free physical memory forimportCache. The percentage value (50%) is hardcoded and cannot be changed.You can set the attribute value to 50 (nsslapd-import-cache-size:50) to havethe same effect on performance during an ldif2db operation. However, such asetting will have the same effect on performance when the import operation is runas a Directory Server task. The -1 value autosizes importCache just for theldif2db operation and not for any, including import, general Directory Servertasks.Setting the nsslapd-import-cache-autosize attribute value to 0 turns off theimportCache autosizing feature — that is, no autosizing occurs during either modeof the import operation. Instead, Directory Server uses thensslapd-import-cachesize attribute for import cache size, the default for whichis 20,000,000.Keep in mind that there are three caches in the context of Directory Server,dbCache, entryCache, and importCache. importCache is only used during theimport operation. The attribute nsslapd-cache-autosize, which is used forautosizing entryCache and dbCache, is used during the Directory Serveroperations only and not during the ldif2db command-line operation; the attributevalue is the percentage of free physical memory to be allocated for entryCache anddbCache.NOTE The purpose of -1 setting is to enable the ldif2db operation tobenefit on free physical memory but, at the same time, not competefor valuable memory with entryCache, which is used for generaloperations of the Directory Server.