Core Server Configuration Attributes Reference56 Red Hat Directory Server Configuration, Command, and File Reference • May 2005nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc (Enable Superior Object Class Enquoting)Controls whether quoting in the objectclasses attributes contained in thecn=schema entry will conform to the quoting specified by Internet draft RFC 2252.By default, the Directory Server places single quotes around the superior objectclass identified in the objectclasses attributes contained in cn=schema. RFC2252 indicates that this value should not be quoted.The Directory Server publishes objectclasses attributes in the cn=schema entryas follows:objectclasses: ( NAME ’person’ DESC ’StandardObjectClass’ SUP ’top’ MUST ( objectclass $ sn $ cn ) MAY ( aci$ description $ seealso $ telephonenumber $ userpassword ) )However, RFC 2252 indicates that this attribute should be published as follows:objectclasses: ( NAME ’person’ DESC ’StandardObjectClass’ SUP top MUST ( objectclass $ sn $ cn ) MAY ( aci $description $ seealso $ telephonenumber $ userpassword ) )Notice the absence of single quotes around the word top.Turning this attribute on will cause the Directory Server Resource Kit LDAPclients no longer to function, as they require the schema as defined in RFC 2252.Turning this attribute off causes the Directory Server to conform to RFC 2252, butdoing so may interfere with some earlier LDAP clients. Turning this attribute onor off does not affect Red Hat Console.Valid Values: on | offDefault Value: offSyntax: DirectoryStringExample: nsslapd-ds4-compatible-schema: offEntry DN: cn=configValid Values: on | offDefault Value: onSyntax: DirectoryStringExample: nsslapd-enquote-sup-oc: off