Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in1433.1.4. Attribute Uniqueness Plug-inPlug-in Parameter DescriptionPlug-in Name Attribute Uniqueness Plug-inDN of Configuration Entry cn=Attribute Uniqueness, cn=plugins, cn=configDescription Checks that the values of specified attributes areunique each time a modification occurs on anentry. For example, most sites require that a userID and email address be unique.Configurable Options on | offDefault Setting offConfigurable Arguments To check for UID attribute uniquenessin all listed subtrees, enter uid "DN""DN".... However, to check for UID attributeuniqueness when adding or updating entrieswith the requiredObjectClass, enterattribute="uid" MarkerObjectclass= "ObjectClassName" and,optionally requiredObjectClass ="ObjectClassName". This starts checking forthe required object classes from the parent entrycontaining the ObjectClass as defined by theMarkerObjectclass attribute.Dependencies DatabasePerformance Related Information Directory Server provides the UID UniquenessPlug-in by default. To ensure unique values forother attributes, create instances of the AttributeUniqueness Plug-in for those attributes. See the"Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in" in theDirectory Server Administrator's Guide for moreinformation about the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in.The UID Uniqueness Plug-in is off by defaultdue to operation restrictions that need to beaddressed before enabling the plug-in in a multi-master replication environment. Turning theplug-in on may slow down Directory Serverperformance.Further Information See the"Using the Attribute Uniqueness Plug-in"in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide.3.1.5. Binary Syntax Plug-inPlug-in Parameter DescriptionPlug-in Name Binary SyntaxDN of Configuration Entry cn=Binary Syntax, cn=plugins, cn=config