Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts296Option Description-T vlvAttributeName Gives the names of the VLV attributes to bereindexed. The name is the VLV index object'scommon name in cn=config.-v Verbose mode.-w password Gives the password associated with the user DN.-w - Prompts for the password associated with theuser DN.Table 7.21. Options7.4.5. (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. This script creates an entry in the directory that launchesthis dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Ellipsesindicate that multiple occurrences are [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } { -n backendInstance | -sincludeSuffix ... } [ -x excludeSuffix ... ] [ -a outputFile ] [ -N ] [ -r ] [ -C ] [ -u ] [ -U ] [ -m ] [ -E ] [ -1 ] [ M ]OptionsTo run this script, the server must be running, and either the -n or -s option is required.Option Description-1 Deletes, for reasons of backward compatibility,the first line of the LDIF file that gives the versionof the LDIF standard.-a outputFile Gives the filename of the output LDIF file.-C Uses only the main database file.-D rootdn Gives the user DN with root permissions, suchas Directory Manager.-E Decrypts encrypted data during export. Thisoption is used only if database encryption isenabled.-j filename The name of the file containing the password.-m Sets minimal base-64 encoding.-M Uses multiple files for storing the output LDIF,with each instance stored in instance filename(where filename is the filename specified for -aoption).-n backendInstance Gives the instance to be exported.-N Suppresses printing sequential numbers.-r Exports the information required to initialize areplica when the LDIF is imported.