Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference76Parameter DescriptionUse the plus (+) symbol to enable or minus (-)symbol to disable, followed by the ciphers. Blankspaces are not allowed in the list of ciphers.To enable all ciphers — except rsa_null_md5,which must be specifically called — specify+all.Example nsslapd-SSL3ciphers: +RSA_NULL_MD5,+RC4_56_SHA,-RC4_56_SHAFor more information, see the "Managing SSL" chapter in the Directory Server Administrator's Guide2.3.4. cn=featuresThere are not attributes for the cn=features entry itself. This entry is only used as a parentcontainer entry, with the nsContainer object class.The child entries contain an oid attribute to identify the feature and the directoryServerFeatureobject class, plus optional identifying information about the feature, such as specific ACLs. Forexample:dn: oid=2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9,cn=features,cn=configobjectClass: topobjectClass: directoryServerFeatureoid: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9cn: VLV Request Controlaci: (targetattr != "aci")(version 3.0; acl "VLV Request Control"; allow( read, search,compare, proxy ) userdn = "ldap:///all";)creatorsName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=configmodifiersName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=configcreateTimestamp: 20090129132357ZmodifyTimestamp: 20090129132357Z2.3.4.1. oidThe oid attribute contains an object identifier assigned to a directory service feature. oid is used asthe naming attribute for these directory features.OID 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.215Syntax DirectoryStringMulti- or Single-Valued Multi-valuedDefined in Directory Server2.3.5. cn=mapping tree• Configuration attributes for suffixes, replication, and Windows synchronization are stored undercn=mapping tree,cn=config. Configuration attributes related to suffixes are found under thesuffix subentry cn=suffix, cn=mapping tree,cn=config.For example, a suffix is the root entry in the directory tree, such as dc=example,dc=com.