98 Chapter 6. Red Hat Network Websitecreate new group on the top-right corner. In the resulting page, type its name and de-scription in the identified fields and click the Create Group button. To add or remove theselected systems in any of the system groups, toggle the appropriate radio buttons and clickthe Alter Membership button. System Set Manager ⇒ Channels —Options to manage channel associations through the following subtabs: System Set Manager ⇒ Channels ⇒ Channel Subscriptions —To subscribe or unsubscribe the selected systems in any of the channels, toggle the appro-priate radio buttons and click the Alter Subscriptions button. Keep in mind that subscrib-ing to a channel uses a channel entitlement for each system in the selected group. If toofew entitlements are available, some systems fail to subscribe. Systems must subscribe toa base channel before subscribing to a child channel. System Set Manager ⇒ Channels ⇒ Config Channels —Like the options within the System Details ⇒ Channels ⇒ Configuration tab, thesubtabs here can be used to subscribe the selected systems to configuration channels anddeploy and compare the configuration files on the systems. The channels are createdin the Manage Config Channels interface within the Channels category. Refer toSection 6.6.6 Manage Config Channels — for channel creation instructions.To manage the configuration of a system, install the latest rhncfg* packages. Refer toSection Preparing Systems for Config Management for instructions on enablingand disabling scheduled actions for a system. System Set Manager ⇒ Channels ⇒ Config Channels ⇒ Deploy —Use this subtab to distribute configuration files from your central repository on RHN toeach of the selected systems. The table lists the configuration files associated with any ofthe selected systems. Clicking its system count displays the systems already subscribed tothe file.To subscribe the selected systems to the available configuration files, select the checkboxfor each desired file. When done, click Deploy Configuration and schedule the action.Note that the files deployed are of the latest version at the time of scheduling and do notaccount for versions that may appear before the action takes place.