128 Chapter 6. Red Hat Network WebsiteTo list all packages in the channel, click the List / Remove Packages link. Check the boxto the left of any package you wish to remove, then click the Remove Packages button inthe lower right of the page.To add packages, click the Add Packages link. Choose a channel from which to selectpackages from the drop-down menu and click the View button to continue. Check the boxto the left of any package you wish to add to the channel, then click the Add Packagesbutton in the bottom right of the screen.To compare packages within the current channel with those of another channel, select theother channel from the drop-down menu and click the Compare button. All packagespresent in either channel are compared, and the results displayed on the next screen. Thisinformation includes the architecture and version of each package.To make the two channels identical, click the Merge Differences button in the lower right.The following screen allows you to select how conflicts are resolved. Click the PreviewMerge button to view the results of the merging without making any changes to the chan-nels. Finally, select those packages that you wish to merge and click the Merge Packagesbutton followed by the Confirm button to perform the merge. Manage Software Channels ⇒ Manage Software PackagesThis tab allows you to manage custom software packages owned by your organization. Youmay view a list of all custom software or view only those packages in a selected customchannel. To select the channel whose custom packages you wish to view, select the channelfrom the drop-down menu and click the View button.6.6.6. Manage Config Channels —Provides the means to create and oversee channels containing configuration files. You mustbe a Configuration Administrator or Organization Administrator to view this section of thewebsite. Like software channels, configuration channels store files to be installed on sys-tems. Unlike software packages, various versions of configuration files may prove usefulto a system at any given time. Further, RHN allows you to include variables, or macros,that allow you to treat your configuration files as templates that can be deployed acrossyour organization, with the relevant values populated upon individual system installation.Please note that whenever a configuration file is deployed via RHN, a backup of the previ-ous file including its full path is made in the /var/lib/rhncfg/backups/ directory onthe affected system. The backup retains its filename but has a .rhn-cfg-backup exten-sion appended.