272initial description, 2troubleshooting, 44using to apply Errata Updates, 119viewing status, 44Red Hat Network Monitoring Daemon(rhnmd) monitoring daemon, 158installation, 159probes requiring the daemon, 158SSH key installation, 160using sshd instead, 159Red Hat Network packagescomparison, 7Red Hat Network Registration Client(rhn)_register)initial description, 2Red Hat packagesfor UNIX, 176installing, 176Red Hat Update Agent, 48Command Line Arguments, 29configuration, 34UNIX Command Line Arguments, 181with a proxy server, 34Red Hat Update Agent (up2date)activation keys, 39command line options, 29command line version, 28, 38configuration tool, 34configuring general settings, 34configuring package exceptions, 37configuring retrieval and installation, 35excluding packages, 37graphical options, 10initial description, 1installing GPG keys, 31log file, 34registering with, 13starting, 9synchronizing system profile, 33reference guidebug reporting, vconventions, iintroduction to the, iregisteringwith activation keys, 39Registration, 49as part of an organization, 56Configuration, 49Email notification, 54Hardware System Profile, 57Password, 54RPM Package List, 58Software System Profile, 58System Profile, 54, 56text mode, 63through the Web, 71username, 54with a proxy server, 50with activation key, 104remote commandsenabling, 182issuing, 182RHN Proxy Serverkickstarting with, 109RHN Satellite ServerDisk Space, 251Execution Time, 252Interface Traffic, 252Latency, 253Load, 253Probe Count, 254probes, 251Process Counts, 254Process Health, 255Process Running, 256Processes, 255Swap, 257Users, 257RHN Tools channel, 159RHN website, 48initial description, 1rhn-catalogtroubleshooting with, 167rhn-runprobeoptions, 168troubleshooting with, 168rhnmd daemon, 159rhnreg_ks, 104rhnsd, 43rhn_register(see Registration)RHUA; (up2date)