Chapter 4.13InstallationThis chapter describes the initial installation of the RHN Proxy Server. It presumes the prerequisiteslisted in Chapter 2, Requirements have been met. However, if you are upgrading to a newer version ofRHN Proxy Server, contact your Red Hat representative for assistance.4.1. Base InstallThe RHN Proxy Server is designed to run on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system.Therefore, the first phase is to install the base operating system, either from disc, ISO image, orkickstart. During and after operating system installation, make sure you:• Allocate sufficient space to the partition that will be used to store packages, according to thehardware requirements set forth earlier. The default location for cached Red Hat packages is /var/spool/squid, while custom packages are located in /var/spool/rhn-proxy.NoteThe installation program automatically calcutes the available space on the partitionwhere /var/spool/squid is mounted and allocates up to 60 percent of the freespace for RHN Proxy Server use.• Install the packages required by RHN Proxy Server.NoteYou must install only the base packages, as others will cause the RHN Proxy Serverinstallation to fail.Refer to Section 2.1, “Software Requirements” for the method to obtain the correct package groupneeded for each version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.• Enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) on the Proxy and select the appropriate time zone. All clientsystems should already be running the ntpd daemon and be set to the correct time zone.• Disable the ipchains and iptables services after installation.4.2. RHN Proxy Server Installation ProcessThe following instructions describe the RHN Proxy Server installation process:1. Register the newly-installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with Red Hat Network (either thecentral RHN Servers or your RHN Satellite Server) using the organizational account containing theRHN Proxy Server entitlement with the command: rhn_register.2. To perform an installation, type the following