Chapter 1. Introduction2own GPG signature, and have the local RHN Proxy Server update all of the individual systems in thenetwork with the latest versions of the custom software.Advantages of using RHN Proxy Server include:• Scalability — there can be multiple local RHN Proxy Servers within one organization.• Security — an end-to-end secure connection is maintained: from the client systems, to the localRHN Proxy Server, to the Red Hat Network servers.• Saves time — packages are delivered significantly faster over a local area network than the Internet.• Saves bandwidth — packages are downloaded from RHN only once (per local Proxy Server'scaching mechanism) instead of downloading each package to each client system.• Customized updates — create a truly automated package delivery system for custom softwarepackages, as well as official Red Hat packages required for the client systems. Custom private RHNchannels allow an organization to automate delivery of in-house packages.• Customized configuration — restrict or grant updates to specific architectures and OS versions.• Only one Internet connection required — Because clients connect only to the RHN Proxy Serverand not the Internet, they require only a Local Area Network connection to the Proxy. Only the RHNProxy Server needs an Internet connection to contact the RHN Servers, unless the RHN ProxyServer is using a RHN Satellite Server, in which case only the RHN Satellite Server requires anInternet connection.1.3. Terms to UnderstandBefore understanding RHN Proxy Server, it is important to become familiar with the following Red HatNetwork terms:ChannelA channel is a list of software packages. There are two types of channels: base channels andchild channels. A base channel consists of a list of packages based on a specific architecture andRed Hat release. A child channel is a channel associated with a base channel that contains extrapackages.Organization AdministratorAn Organization Administrator is a user role with the highest level of control over an organization'sRed Hat Network account. Members with this role can add other users, other systems, and systemgroups to the organization, as well as remove them. A Red Hat Network organization must have atleast one Organization Administrator.Channel AdministratorA Channel Administrator is a user role with full access to channel management capabilities. Userswith this role are capable of creating channels and assigning packages to channels. This role canbe assigned by an Organization Administrator through the Users tab of the RHN website.Red Hat Update AgentThe Red Hat Update Agent is the Red Hat Network client application (up2date or yum) thatallows users to retrieve and install new or updated packages for the client system on which theapplication is run.