Running the Import437. Then unmount /mnt/import in preparation for the next CD or ISO:umount /mnt/import8. Repeat these steps for each Channel Content ISO of every channel to be imported. Preparing RHN Satellite Exporter DataIn order to perform the import from data previously exported using RHN Satellite Exporter, you mustfirst copy that data onto the local system. Steps such as the following will enable you to procede torunning the import as described in Section 6.2.3, “Running the Import”.1. Log into the machine as root.2. Create a target directory for the files, such as:mkdir /var/rhn-sat-import/3. Make the export data available on the local machine in the directory created in the previous step.This can be done by copying the data directly, or by mounting the data from another machineusing NFS. It is perhaps easiest to copy the data into the new directory with a command such asthe following:scp -r* /var/rhn-sat-importNow that the data is available, you can procede to performing the import.6.2.3. Running the ImportThe rhns-satellite-tools package provides the satellite-sync program for managing allpackage, channel, and errata imports and synchronizations.The following process assumes in the previous step the user has copied all data to /var/rhn-sat-import.The first step in importing channels into the database is listing the channels available for import. Thisis accomplished with the command:satellite-sync --list-channels --mount-point /var/rhn-sat-importThe next step is to initiate the import of a specific channel. Do this using a channel label presented inthe previous list. The command will look like:satellite-sync -c rhel-i386-as-3 --mount-point /var/rhn-sat-import