Implementing PAM Authentication67Once opened, use the first five fields (minute, hour, day, month, and weekday) to schedulethe synchronization. Remember, hours use military time. Edit the crontab to include randomsynchronization, like so:0 1 * * * perl -le 'sleep rand 9000' && satellite-sync --email >/dev/null \2>/dev/nullThis particular job will run randomly between 1:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. system time each night andredirect stdout and stderr from cron to prevent duplicating the more easily read message fromsatellite-sync. Options other than --email can also be included. Refer to Table 6.2, “SatelliteImport/Sync Options” for the full list of options. Once you exit from the editor, the modified crontab isinstalled immediately.8.9. Implementing PAM AuthenticationAs security measures become increasingly complex, administrators must be given tools that simplifytheir management. For this reason, RHN Satellite supports network-based authentication systems viaPluggable Authentication Modules (PAM). PAM is a suite of libraries that helps system administratorsintegrate the Satellite with a centralized authentication mechanism, thus eliminating the need forremembering multiple passwords.RHN Satellite supports LDAP, Kerberos, and other network-based authentication systems via PAM. Toenable the Satellite to use PAM and your organization's authentication infrastructure, follow the stepsbelow.NoteTo ensure that PAM authentication functions properly, install the pam-devel package.Set up a PAM service file (usually /etc/pam.d/rhn-satellite) and have the Satellite use it byadding the following line to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf:pam_auth_service = rhn-satelliteThis assumes the PAM service file is named rhn-satellite.To enable a user to authenticate against PAM, select the checkbox labeled Pluggable AuthenticationModules (PAM). It is positioned below the password and password confirmation fields on the CreateUser page.As an example, for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 i386 system, to authenticate against Kerberos onecould put the following in /etc/pam.d/rhn-satellite:#%PAM-1.0auth required pam_env.soauth sufficient no_user_check