Chapter 6. Importing and Synchronizing46satellite-sync -c rhel-i386-as-3 --mount-point /var/rhn-sat-syncThis can be used to perform the sync process described above, using the dump files in /var/rhn-sat-sync to perform the necessary comparisons and imports. See Section 6.2.3, “Running theImport” for precise steps.6.4. Inter-Satellite SyncRHN Satellite 5.3.0 supports synchronization between two Satellites. This synchronization, also calledInter-Satellite Sync, allows administrators to simplify the process of coordinating content from oneRHN Satellite source to another or several others.The following are the basic requirements for Inter-satellite Sync.• At least two RHN Satellite 5.3.0 servers• At least one RHN Satellite populated with at least one channel• Master RHN Satellite SSL certificate available on each of the slave RHN Satellites for secureconnection6.4.1. Recommended Models for Inter-Satellite SyncThe Inter-Satellite Sync feature for Satellite provides facilities for synchronizing content betweentwo or more Satellites. The following are some of the more typical uses that show the possibilities ofInter-Satellite Sync and help guide you in determining how to make the most of this feature in yourenvironment.NoteIf you are not sure if the Inter-Satellite Sync feature is right for your organization, pleasenote that you can continue to use RHN Satellite 5.3.0 in the typical manner. Installing orupgrading to RHN Satellite 5.3.0 does not require that you make use of this feature.Figure 6.1. Staging SatelliteIn this example, the Stage Satellite is used to prepare the content and perform quality assurance(QA) work — to make sure that packages are fit for production use. After content is approved to go toproduction, the Production Satellite will then synchronize the content from the Stage Satellite.