Chapter 10. Virtualization178NoteIf you are changing the Virtualization Type of an existing kickstart profile, it mayalso modify the bootloader and partition options, potentially overwriting any usercustomizations. Be sure to review the Partitioning tab to verify these settingswhen changing the Virtualization Type.e. Finally, click the Next button in the lower right of the screen to continue on to the next step.NoteIf any of the fields are missing the options indicated above, you may not havesuccessfully synced software channel content to your Satellite from Red Hat'sservers.4. For Step 2 of the kickstart profile creation process, select the location of the distribution files forthe installation of your host system. There should already be a Default Download Location filledout and selected for you on this screen. Click the Next button on this screen to continue to Step 3.NoteAs in the previous step, if the default download location is missing, you may not havesuccessfully synced software channel content to your Satellite from Red Hat's server.5. For Step 3 of the kickstart profile creation process, please choose a root password to set on thehost system you will be provisioning, and click Finish to finish creation of the profile.6. This completes kickstart profile creation. After completing Step 3, you are taken to the newly-created kickstart profile. You may browse through the various tabs of the profile and modify thesettings as you see fit, but this is not necessary as the default settings should work well for themajority of cases.10.1.2. Kickstart Your Host SystemNext, kickstart your host system using your newly-created kickstart profile. There are three differentscenarios for kickstarting your host system. Please read through these three scenarios below, andfollow the instructions for the scenario that applies best to you: Your Host System Has Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 or EarlierInstalledIn this case, register your host system to your Satellite and schedule the kickstart process via theSatellite's web interface.1. First, register your host system to your Satellite. Use ssh to connect to your host system. Registeryour host system to your satellite issuing the following command as root:rhnreg_ks