Chapter 10. Virtualization182You will then need to edit the /etc/grub.conf configuration file to boot the new xen kernel bydefault. To do this, select the lines in grub.conf that pertain to the xen kernel from the beginningof the title line to the end of the initrd line, copy the lines, delete them, and paste them sothey are the first kernel entry in grub.conf. Also ensure that the value of the default variable atthe top of grub.conf is set to a value of '0'.NoteIf you ever update the kernel on the host system, the standard kernel is the defaultchoice upon reboot. To ensure that the Xen kernel is chosen by default, change thefollowing value in the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file:DEFAULTKERNEL=kernelChange the value to kernel-xen:DEFAULTKERNEL=kernel-xen5. Reboot the system, boot it into the xen kernel. The system should not automatically boot into thexen kernel on reboot but if you would like to make sure it has for troubleshooting purposes, usethe command uname -r to see if the running kernel is a xen kernel. If you do not see the xenstring in the name of the kernel, you have not booted into the correct kernel.NoteIf the system already has xen and kernel-xen installed you do not need to rebootafter installing rhn-virtualization-host.6. You will also need to install and run the osad package in order for your host system to beresponsive to commands sent from the Satellite, such as start, pause, resume, and shutdown. Toinstall:yum install -y osadafter installation, you should then start the osad process:/sbin/service osad restart7. Your host system should now be ready for RHN virtual guest provisioning.10.2. Setting Up Your Virtual SystemsIn order to work with virtual guest systems, you must first create a kickstart profile that will allow you toeasily provision virtual guests, then you must provision the guests.