care should also be taken to constantlylook around or otherwise check for thepresence and locations of other peopleworking so as to maintain a distancebetween each person sufficient to ensuresafety.2. Check the condition of working area toavoid any accident by hitting hiddenobstacles such as stumps, stones, cans, orbroken glass.Remove any obstacle before beginning work.3. Inspect the entire unit for loose fastenersand fuel leakage. Make sure that thecutting attachment is properly installed andsecurely fastened.■ STARTING THE ENGINE1. Keep bystanders especially children, andanimals at least 15 m (50 ft) away from theoperating point. If you are approached,immediately stop the engine.2. The product is equipped with a centrifugalclutch mechanism, so the cuttingattachment might begin to rotate as soonas the engine is started. When starting theengine, place the product onto the groundin a flat clear area and hold it firmly inplace so as to ensure that neither thecutting part nor the throttle come intocontact with any obstacle when the enginestarts.• Never place the throttle into the high-speed position when starting theengine.• Never start the engine at the cuttingattachment side.3. After starting the engine, check to makesure that the cutting attachment stopsrotating when the throttle is moved fullyback to its original position. If it continuesto rotate even after the throttle has beenmoved fully back, turn off the engine andtake the unit to your authorized RedMaxservicing dealer for repair.■ USING THE PRODUCTCut only materials recommended by themanufacturer. And use only for tasksIMPORTANTWARNINGIMPORTANTUS-6CHT22505. For safe operationexplained in the manual.1. Grip the handles firmly with both handsusing your whole hand. Place your feetslightly apart (slightly further apart than thewidth of your shoulders) so that yourweight is distributed evenly across bothlegs, and always be sure to maintain asteady, even posture while working.2. Maintain the speed of the engine at thelevel required to perform cutting work, andnever raise the speed of the engine abovethe level necessary.3. If the unit starts to shake or vibrate, turn offthe engine and check the whole unit. Donot use it until the trouble has beenproperly corrected.4. Keep all parts of your body away fromrotating cutting attachment and hotsurfaces.5. Never touch the muffler, spark plug, orother metallic parts of the engine while theengine is in operation or immediately aftershutting down the engine. Doing socouldresult in serious burns or electrical shock.6. While operating the machine be alwayssure of a safe and secure operatingposition especially when using steps or aladder.• IF SOMEONE COMES1. Guard against hazardous situations at alltimes. Warn adults to keep pets andchildren away from the area. Be careful ifyou are approached. Injury may result fromflying debris.2. If someone calls out or otherwise interruptsyou while working, always be sure to turnoff the engine before turning around.■ MAINTENANCE1. In order to maintain your product in properworking order, perform the maintenanceand checking operations described in themanual at regular intervals.2. Always be sure to turn off the enginebefore performing any maintenance,checking procedures or working on themachine.(1) Check ok!The metallic parts reach hightemperatures immediately after stoppingthe engine.3. When replacing the cutting attachment orWARNING