overheated, and that this in turn couldcause the hedge-trimmer to catch onfire. Always make sure that the muffleris clean and free of wood chips, leaves,and other waste before use.• Check the intake air cooling vent and thearea around the cylinder cooling fins afterevery 25 hours of use for blockage, andremove any waste which has attached itselfto the hedge-trimmer. Note that it isnecessary to remove the plug guard shownin Figure 20 in order to be able to view theupper part of the cylinder.• If waste gets stuck and causes blockagearound the intake air cooling vent orbetween the cylinder fins, it may cause theengine to overheat, and that in turn maycause mechanical failure on the part of thehedge-trimmer.IMPORTANTMaintenancen MUFFLER• Inspect periodically, the muffler for loosefasteners, any damage or corrosion. If anysign of exhaust leakage is found, do notuse the hedge-trimmer and have it repairedimmediately.• Note that failing to do so may result inthe engine catching on fire.n SPARK ARRESTER• The muffler is equipped with a sparkarrester to prevent red hot carbon fromflying out of the exhaust outlet. Periodicallyinspect and clean as necessary with a wirebrush. In the State of California it isrequired by law (Section 4442 of theCalifornia Public Resources Code) to equipa spark arrester when a gas powered toolis used in any forest covered, brushcovered, or grass covered unimprovedland.n INTAKE AIR COOLING VENT• Never touch the cylinder, muffler, orspark plugs with your bare handsimmediately after stopping the engine.The engine can become very hot whenin operation, and doing so could resultin severe burns.• When checking the hedge-trimmer tomake sure that it is okay before using it,check the area around the muffler andremove any wood chips or leaves whichhave attached themselves to the hedge-trimmer. Note that failing to do so couldcause the muffler to becomeWARNINGWARNING13