419 Tips for Using Your Control System9.1 Driving - GeneralMake sure that the control system is mounted securely and that the joystick position is correct. The hand or limb youuse to operate the joystick should be supported, for example by the wheelchair arm pad. Do not use the joystick as thesole support for your hand or limb - wheelchair movements and bumps could upset your control.9.2 Driving TechniqueThe control system interprets your joystick movements and produces appropriate movements of your wheelchair.You will need very little concentration to control the wheelchair, which is especially useful if you are inexperienced. Onepopular technique is to simply point the joystick in the direction you want to go. The wheelchair will “home-in” on thedirection you push the joystick.The further you push the joystick away from the rest position, the faster the wheelchair will go. Releasing the joystickwill stop the wheelchair.The intelligent speed control system minimizes the effects of slopes and different types of terrain.The wheelchair user must be capable of driving a wheelchair safely. PGDT accepts noliability for losses of any kind arising from failure to comply with this condition.9.3 Slow or sluggish movementIf the wheelchair does not travel at full speed or does not respond quickly enough, and the battery conditionis good, check the maximum speed setting. If adjusting the speed setting does not remedy the problem thenthere may be a non-hazardous fault. Contact your service agent.10 Precautions for UseIn the event of the wheelchair moving in an unexpected way RELEASE THEJOYSTICK. This action will stop the wheelchair under any circumstances.10.1 HazardDo not drive the wheelchair:• Beyond restrictions indicated in your wheelchair user manual, for example maximuminclines, curb height etc.• In places or on surfaces where a loss of wheel grip could be hazardous, for example onwet grassy slopes.• If you know that the control system or other crucial components require repair.Although the R-net control system is designed to be extremely reliable and each unit isrigorously tested during manufacture, the possibility of a system malfunction always exists(however small the probability). Under some conditions of system malfunction the controlsystem must (for safety reasons) stop the chair instantaneously. If there is any possibility ofthe user falling out of the chair as a result of a sudden braking action, it is imperative that arestraining device such as a seat belt is supplied with the wheelchair and that it is in use at alltimes when the wheelchair is in motion. PGDT accepts no liability for losses of any kindarising from the unexpected stopping of the wheelchair, or arising from the improper use ofthe wheelchair or control system.