R E D M A N P O W E R C H A I R2OperationUnderstanding the basic components of the major operation system can bebeneficial when properly handling and maintaining your system. One of the twomajor components is the joystick controller which is connected to the power modulethrough a communication cable. Always avoid hitting or dropping the joystick andtake precaution to not damage any cables. Additionally, be cautioned that extremeconditions such as sun damage or extreme cold can compromise the reliability of your system.Joystick ButtonsIn Figure 1 the buttons are labeled as they appear onyour joystick. This includes:-Power Button-Hazard Button-Horn Button-Lighting Button-Blinker Indicators-Increase/ Decrease Speed-Mode Button-Profile ButtonAdditional options must be purchased such as thelighting package or the horn package in order toactivate those features. Two important buttons tounderstand are the Mode and Profile buttons.Section2Figure 1