MODULAR SAFETY INTEGRATED CONTROLLER MOSAIC114 8540780 • 30/03/2016 • Rev.26EnglishGUARD LOCK OPERATORS (max number = 4)The GUARD LOCK operator controlslocking/unlocking of anbyanalysing consistency between the Lockcommand and the status of an E-GATE and aFEEDBACK. The main ouput is 1 (TRUE) whenthe guard lock is closed and locked.1) The input must always be connected to a (feedback coil lock) inputelement.2) The input can be connected freely in the diagram and determines the request tounlock (when in LL1 state).3) The signal of this element is 1 (TRUE) if the guard is closed and locked. When anunlock command is applied to the input, the signal is set to "0" and theguard is unlocked ( output) after a time configurable as parameter. Thisoutput goes to 0 (FALSE) even when error conditions are present (eg. open door with locklocked, that exceeds the maximum allowed, ...).4) signal controls the locking/unlocking of the guard.1) The input must always be connected to an lock input (guard feedback).2) The input must always be connected to a (feedback coil lock) inputelement.3) The input can be connected freely in the diagram and determines the request tounlock (when in LL1 state).4) The signal of this element is 1 (TRUE) if the guard is closed and locked. When anunlock command is applied to the input, the signal is set to "0" and theguard is unlocked ( output) after a time configurable as parameter. Thisoutput goes to 0 (FALSE) even when error conditions are present (eg. open door with locklocked, that exceeds the maximum allowed, ...).5) signal controls the locking/unlocking of the guard.1) The GATE Input must always be connected to a E_GATE block input (feedback of the door).2) The input must always be connected to a (feedback coil lock) inputelement.3) The input can be connected freely in the diagram and determines the request tounlock (when in LL1 state).4) The signal of this element is 1 (TRUE) if the guard is closed and locked. When anunlock command is applied to the input, the signal is set to "0" and theguard is unlocked ( output) after a time configurable as parameter. Thisoutput goes to 0 (FALSE) even when error conditions are present (eg. open door with locklocked, that exceeds the maximum allowed, ...).5) signal controls the locking/unlocking of the guard.