Regency PG121/PG131 Zero Clearance Room Sealed Gas Fireplace30OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFIRST FIREDO NOT BURN THE APPLIANCE WITH-OUT THE GLASS FRONT IN PLACE.The first fire in your stove is part of the paint cur-ing process. To ensure that the paint is properlycured, it is recommended that you burn yourfireplace for at least four (4) hours the first timebefore you use it with the fan on.When first operated, the unit will release an odourcaused by the curing of the paint, the burningoff of any oils remaining from manufacturing.Smoke detectors in the house may go off at thistime. Open a few windows to ventilate the roomfor a couple of hours.Note: When the glass is cold and the appli-ance is lit, it may cause condensationand fog the glass. This condensationis normal and will disappear in a fewminutes as the glass heats up.During the fi rst few fi res, a white film maydevelop on the glass front as part of thecuring process. The glass should be cleanedafter the unit has cooled down or the filmwill bake on and become very difficult toremove. Use a non-abrasive cleaner andDO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN THE GLASSWHILE IT IS HOT.NORMAL OPERATINGSOUNDS OF GASAPPLIANCESIt is possible that you will hear some soundsfrom your gas appliance. This is perfectly normaldue to the fact that there are various gaugesand types of steel used within your appliance.Listed below are some examples. All are normaloperating sounds and should not be consideredas defects in your appliance.Blower:Regency gas appliances use high tech blowersto push heated air farther into the room. It is notunusual for the fan to make a "whirring" soundwhen ON. This sound will increase or decreasein volume depending on the speed setting ofyour fan speed control.Burner Tray:The burner tray is positioned directly under theburner tube(s) and logs and is made of a differ-ent gauge material from the rest of the fireboxand body. Therefore, the varying thicknesses ofsteel will expand and contract at slightly differentrates which can cause "ticking" and "cracking"sounds. You should also be aware that as thereare temperature changes within the unit thesesounds will likely re-occur. Again, this is normalfor steel fireboxes.Gas Control Valve:As the gas control valve turns ON and OFF, adull clicking sound may be audible, this is normaloperation of a gas regulator or valve.Unit Body/Firebox:Different types and thicknesses of steel willexpand and contract at different rates resultingin some "cracking" and "ticking" sounds will beheard throughout the cycling process.AERATIONADJUSTMENTThe burner aeration is factory set. Adjustmentmay be needed due to the local gas supply oraltitude. As a general rule if the flame is too yel-low open up the air shutter, if it is too blue closethe air shutter.NG 10mm openLPG 10mm openNOTE:This adjustment is only to be made by anauthorised person.Carbon deposits are a possibility on appli-ances incorporating live fuel effect fl ames.