Regency Gemfire™ Gas Fireplace13INSTALLATIONVENTING INTRODUCTIONThe Gem54™ uses the "balanced flue" technology Co Axial system.The inner liner vents products of combustion to the outside while theouter liner draws outside combustion air into the combustion chamberthereby eliminating the need to use heated room air for combustion andlosing warm room air up the chimney.Note: These flue pipes must not be connected to any otherappliance.The gas appliance and vent system must be vented directly to the outsideof the building, and never be attached to a chimney serving a separate solidfuel or gas burning appliance. Each direct vent gas appliance must useit's own separate vent system. Common vent systems are prohibited.The top stand off / nailing strip is shipped attached to the back of the unit asshown below.1) Remove one screw in location shown below.Replace the screw on the back the unit after removing thestandoff / nailing strip.2) Bend the 3 tabs at the bottom of the stand off / nailing strip to 90°,bend in the same direction as the top tabs.3) Install on the top front of the unit as shown in diagram 3. Do not fullytighten the screws when installing - until the facing thickness has beendetermined.UNIT ASSEMBLYPRIOR TOINSTALLATIONThe Top Standoff/ Nailing Strip, side nailing strips and standoffs must becorrectly positioned and attached to the unit before sliding the unit into position.STANDOFF ASSEMBLYThe side, rear and bottom standoffs are shipped in a flat position and mustbe folded into shape and attached - see diagram 1.1) Remove the standoffs from the unit.2) Take each standoff and bend into the correct shape. Bend up at the bendlines until the screw holes in the standoff and the pre-punched screw holeson the unit line up.Remove this screw torelease top standoff / nailingstripDiagram 1Rear/sidestandoffsDiagram 2StandoffStandoffNailing StripsShipping brackets -remove after shipped.NAILING STRIPSThe nailing strips come attached to the unit. There is 1 plate on each side,1on the top, and one on the bottom that can be folded out as required. Thetop and side nailing strips are secured to the framing. The bottom nailingstrip is secured to the unfinished floor - if installing the unit directly on thefloor.Note: The bottom nailing strip will need to be bent on site andadjusted to accommodate the thickness of the facing material.IMPORTANT NOTEFraming depth measurement is noted withthe side nailing strips set as far forward onthe firebox as possible. The nailing strips canbe adjusted back up to 1” to allow for varyingthicknesses in non-combustible material & wallfinishes.StandoffNailing Strip / TopStandoff BracketNailing StripsStandoffDiagram 3