Regency Gemfire™ Gas Fireplace29INSTALLATIONGAS PIPE PRESSURETESTINGThe appliance must be isolated from the gassupply piping system by closing its individualmanual shut-off valve during any pressuretesting of the gas supply piping system attest pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig.(3.45 kPa). Disconnect piping from valve atpressures over 1/2 psig.The manifold pressure is controlled by a regulatorbuilt into the gas control, and should be checkedat the pressure test point.Note: To properly check gas pressure, bothinlet and manifold pressures shouldbe checked using the valve pressureports on the valve.1) Make sure the valve is in the "OFF" position.2) Loosen the "IN" and/or "OUT" pressure tap(s),turning counterclockwise with a1/8" (3.175 mm) wide flat screwdriver.3) Attach manometer to "IN" and/or "OUT"pressure tap(s) using a 5/16" (7.9 mm) IDhose.4) Light the pilot and turn the valve to "ON"position.5) The pressure check should be carried outwith the unit burning and the setting shouldbe within the limits specified on the safetylabel.6) When finished reading manometer, turn off thegas valve, disconnect the hose and tighten thescrew (clockwise) with a 1/8" (3.175 mm) flatscrewdriver. Note: Screw should be snug,but do not over tighten.HIGH ELEVATIONThis unit is approved for altitude 0 to 1372m.GAS LINEINSTALLATIONSince some municipalities have additional localcodes it is always best to consult with your localauthorities.When using copper or flex connectors use onlyapproved fittings. Always provide a union sothat gas lines can be easily disconnected forservicing. Flare nuts for copper lines and flexconnectors are usually considered to meet thisrequirement.NOTE: A shutoff / dante valve should besupplied in or near the unit (or as per localcodes) for ease of servicing this appliance.Gem54-NG SYSTEM DATAMin. Supply Pressure 1.13 kpaLow Setting Man.Pressure0.4kpaMax. ManifoldPressure0.87 kpaInjector Size #32 DMSMinimum Input 26.2 mjMaxiumm Input 35.9 mj38mm184mm83mmLocated on the rightside of the firebox.102mmS.I.T. VALVE DESCRIPTION1) Gas on/off knob2) Manual high/low adjustment3) Pilot Adjustment4) Thermocouple Connection - option5) Outlet Pressure Tap6) Inlet Pressure Tap7) Pilot Outlet8) Main Gas Outlet9) Alternative TC Connection PointIMPORTANT: Always check for gas leaks witha soap and water solution or gas leak detec-tor. Do not use open flame for leak testing.Gem54-LPG SYSTEM DATAMin. Supply Pressure 2.74 kpaLow Setting Man.Pressure1.6 kpaMax. ManifoldPressure2.49 kpaInjector Size #51 DMSMinimum Input 26.4 mjMaxiumm Input32.2 mjGem54-ULPG SYSTEM DATAMin. Supply Pressure 2.74 kpaLow Setting Man.Pressure1.6 kpaMax. ManifoldPressure2.49 kpaInjector Size #52 DMSMinimum Input22.6 mjMaxiumm Input28.7 mjPeriodically check the pilot flames. Correctflame pattern has three strong blue flames:1 flowing around the thermopile, 1 aroundthe thermocouple and 1 flowing across theburner (it does not have to be touching theburner).Note: If you have an incorrect flame pattern,contact your Regency® dealer forfurther instructions.Incorrect flame pattern will have small,probably yellow flames, not coming intoproper contact with the rear burner orthermopile or thermocouple.PILOT ADJUSTMENT