LRI4E / HRI4E Direct Vent Gas Insert | 13|13installationVENTINGTHE APPLIANCE MUST NOT BECONNECTED TO ACHIMNEY FLUE SERVING ASEPARATE SOLID FUELBURNING APPLIANCE.This appliance is designed to be attached to two3" (76mm) co-linear aluminium flex running the fulllength of the chimney. The flue length must be aminimum length of 8 ' (2.44m) and a maximum of35' (10.7m). See chart for minimum distances fromroof. Periodically check that the vent is unrestricted.Masonry chimneys may take various contours whichthe flexible liner will accommodate. However, keepthe flexible liner as straight as possible, avoidunnecessary bending.GAS CONNECTION1) If the appliance is to be installed into an existingchimney system, thoroughly clean the masonryor factory built fireplace.2) The appliance is provided with an opening onthe left hand side of the control compartment.A 3/8" NPT gas supply pipe must be broughtnear this inlet hole.3) Locate the center point where the vent will passthrough the chimney above the appliance. Movethe appliance into the exact location where it isto be installed. Ensure that the Insert is level.4) Do not cut any sheet-metal parts of the fire-place, in which the gas fireplace insert is tobe installed.5) If the factory-built fireplace has no gas accesshole(s) provided, an access hole of 1-1/2"(37.5mm) or less may be drilled though thelower sides or bottom of the firebox in aproper workmanship like manner. This accesshole must be plugged with a non-combustibleinsulation after the gas supply line has beeninstalled. Alternate Approved Caps46DVA-VC Vertical Termination Cap46DVA-VCH High Wind Cap46DVA-GK 3" Co-linear Adaptor with flashingIn areas of consistently high winds, we recommendusing the Simpson Dura-Vent System (46DVA-GKadapter and 46DVA-VCH high-wind cap).The Air Intake pipe must be attached to the inletair collar of the termination cap.GAS CONNECTION WARNING:Only persons licensed to workwith gas piping may make thenecessary gas connectionsto this appliance.AirIntake ExhaustFlueThe Air Intake pipe must be attached to the inletair collar of the termination cap.Part # Description948-305 3" Flex - 35 ft.946-529 Co-linear DV VerticalTermination CapGas & Electrical Connections