R5 SUPREME AIS SystemINTERPRETATION OF INPUT SENTENCES7000 118-300, A3 Page 779 INTERPRETATION OF INPUT SENTENCESAll interface ports accepts the full set of input listed below sentences, except the sentences listedin section 9.4.1 that are unique to the Long Range interface port.The protocol of the serial input sentences shall be compliant to IEC 61162-1Ed.4 (2010-11) formaximum interoperability.9.1 GPS and Sensor Input Sentences9.1.1 DTM - Datum ReferenceIf local code is other than WGS84, then the positions report from that port isdiscarded.$--DTM,ccc,a,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,cccField Format Name Comment1 --DTM Sentence Id Used2 ccc Local Datum Code Interpret if it‟s WGS84 or not3 A Local Datum Subdivision Code Ignored4 x.x Lat Offset (2 fields) IgnoredIgnored5 a6 x.x Long Offset (2 fields) IgnoredIgnored7 a8 x.x Altitude Offset Ignored9 ccc Reference Datum Code Ignored9.1.2 GBS - GNSS Satellite Fault DetectionIf this sentence is received once a second from the position source in use, theRAIM flag will be set to TRUE.$--GBS,hhmmss.ss,x.x,x.x,x.x,xx,x.x,x.x,x.xField Format Name Comment1 --GBS Sentence Id Used2 hhmmss.ssUTC Time of GGA or GNS Ignored3 x.x Expected Error in latitude Used4 x.x Expected Error in longitude Used5 x.x Expected error in altitude Ignored6 xx ID number of most likelyfailed satelliteIgnored7 x.x Probability of misseddetectionIgnored8 x.x Estimate of bias in meters Ignored9 x.x Standard Deviation of biasestimateIgnored9.1.3 GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data$--GGA,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyy.yy,a,x,xx,x.x,x.x,M,x.x,M,x.x,xxxxField Format Name Comment1 --GGA Sentence Id Used2 hhmmss.ss UTC of position UTC Second is used to indicateTime Stamp3 llll.ll Latitude Used4 a5 yyyy.yy Longitude Used6 a7 x GPS quality indicatorUsed,1 -> Position with Low Accuracy2 -> Position with High