R5 SUPREME AIS SystemSYSTEM OVERVIEW7000 118-300, A3 Page 92 SYSTEM OVERVIEW2.1 Product DescriptionThe basic R5 SUPREME AIS Transponder System consists of three parts The R5 SUPREME Transponder The R5 SUPREME Control and Display Unit (CDU) The R5 AIS Junction BoxThe R5 SUPREME Transponder is a Class A unit consists of a transceiver radio unit, a 50channel GPS receiver, and a controller unit. The radio has three receivers, two tuneable TDMAreceivers and one DSC receiver. The transmitter alternates its transmissions between the twooperating TDMA channels. The controller unit creates and schedules data packets (containingdynamic, static and voyage related data) for transmission based on the IMO performancestandard for AIS.The R5 SUPREME CDU is the AIS configuration and display unit. The colour LCD together withthe resistive touch interface provides a graphical user-friendly interface to the system. Theresistive touch panel allows functionality under all weather conditions. Under rough sea, therubber keypads can be used instead of the touch interface. With the R5 SUPREME CDU it ispossible to plot the location of other ships, aids to navigation and search and rescue vessels. TheR5 SUPREME CDU can also be used to send and receive messages, perform configuration aswell as supervise the R5 SUPREME transponder systems status. The front hatch of the CDU iscovering an integrated AIS Pilot Plug connector, as well as USB port and MMC/SD card slot.Note: The hatch has a screw lock mechanism. It is optional to use this lock. Recommendedscrewdriver for CDU hatch lock is flat tip 5.5-6.5mm.The R5 AIS Junction Box allows for easy connection of external equipment to the transponderunit. The R5 SUPREME transponder shall be connected to the ship‟s sensors as required by theinstallation guidelines published by IALA. The R5 SUPREME can interface external navigationand presentation systems that support required IEC 61162-1 sentences. Refer to chapter 9“Interpretation of Input Sentences” for more information. The R5 SUPREME is prepared forconnection to Long Range systems like Inmarsat C.