108 Controller operationActivating and deactivatingPress the switch on the screen in orderto activate the controller. “Activatecontroller?” message will be displayed.Accept your choice in order to activate thecontroller.To deactivate the controller, pressbutton, search for in rotational menu andpress it.When the controller isdeactivated, an anti-freezefunction will not work. Therefore,it is recommended that instead ofswitching off the controller, setsupport of the heating circuitsand DHW to OFF from the servicemenu.Preset temperature settingsHeating circuitsPreset temperature in heating circuits can bechanged by clicking element no. 4 directly onthe main screen. Can be also changed in themenu:Preset temperatures→ H1…H3→ DHW presettemperatureThe preset water temperature in the heatingcircuit is maintained on kept constant. Inaddition, when setting the parameter Pumplock by thermostat to YES, the circuit will beswitched off when the preset temperature hasbeen reached.It is recommended to set theparameter Pump lock bythermostat to YES.The edition of the parameterPreset water temperature andPump lock by thermostat ispossible only when selecting themethod of adjustment to aConstant value from the servicemenu.DHW tankPreset temperature in DHW tank can bechanged by clicking on a preset DHW tanktemperature in DHW window. In order toenter DHW window, click in controller mainscreen.DHW preset temperature can be also enteredin the menu:Preset temperatures→ DHW presettemperatureDHW tank loading functionbecomes active after connecting atank temperature sensor.Time programsThe controller includes a function ofprogramming time periods. In situation whenthe user is outside his home or at night, thecontroller can decrease the amount ofsupplied heat energy what affects fuelconsumption.Time programs are defined separately forheating circuits, DHW tank and DHWcirculation system. Time programs can be setseparately for each day of the week. Timeprograms are entered in the menu Timefunctions.Should be select the decreasing of the presettemperature as well as the beginning andending of the given time interval.In the example below, a “NIGHT” period willlast from 00:00 till 06:00. “DAY” period willlast between 06:00 – 09:00. From 15:00 to22:00 the “DAY” period was entered. “NIGHT”period will last from 22:00 to 00:00.After accepting the entered time period for aparticular day, the controller will propose apossibility of saving this setting for other days