12Work mode settingIt is possible to select work mode which issuitable for user’s requirements. Theoperating mode can be selected directly onthe main window, press the mode icon.Work modeOFF The controller switch off aparticular heating circuit orDHW tank. Anti – freezefunction remains activeprovided that is in active inservice menu. Activating thismode also disables the heatsource. The heat source is notswitched off when the heatingfunction of the buffer is active.AUTO Preset room temperature isswitched between “DAY” and“NIGHT” temperaturesdepending on clock indicationsand defined time programs forparticular days of the week.DHW tank is loaded during aperiod corresponding to “DAY”temperature. For timeprograms corresponding to“NIGHT” temperature, theDHW tank is off.DAY Comfort mode.In the heating circuit thepreset temperature is constantor depending on the weatherand corresponds the entered“DAY” value. HUW tankmaintains constant presettemperature.NIGHT Economy mode.In the heating circuit in"NIGHT" mode, the presettemperature is decrease by theentered value.. It is notpossible to select this mode forDHW tank.Auto-Eco Preset room temperature ismaintained within defined timeperiods as “DAY” temperature.Circuit is off outside thedefined time periods. Anti –freeze function remains activeprovided that is in active inservice menu. It is not possibleto select this mode for DHWtank.Work mode can be selected separately foreach heating circuit and separately for DHWtank. Auto-Eco and NIGHT modes are notavailable for HUW tank.The operating modes are inactivewhen the heating circuits arecontrolled by thermostats withON-OFF contacts, because on thethermostats set the presettemperatures, reduce of thetemperatures or time schedules.Software updateSoftware can be modified with the use ofmicroSDHC memory card.In order to change the program, insert thememory card into a slot in the control panel.New software should be saved in *.pfc formaton a memory card in a form of two files: filewith a program for the control panel and filewith a program for the controller A module.Save new software directly on a memory card.Do not nest data in a sub-folder.Enter:Basic settings→ Software updateand exchange the program first in thecontroller module and then in the controlpanel.