166.3 Temporary override mode6.4 Boost mode (hourly temperature override mode)TEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETTemporary Override mode will be disabled when new schedule will be set.To turn off hourly temperature override mode before time’s up, press the + Hr button until number of hours disappears from display.This function is available only in schedule mode (AUTO). If a new setpoint temperature will be set during the schedule - it will be maintained until nexttime interval starts according to programmed schedule.This function is available in schedule and manual mode. It is used to change the setpoint temperature for a specified number of hours (up to 9 hours). Oncethat time is over, thermostat returns to previous mode. To set this mode please follow steps below:UsingTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETorTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETbuttons set newsetpoint temperature during activeschedule.Press +Hr button to set number ofhours for temperature override (e.g.to set up override for 3 hours, pressthe button 3 times).UsingTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETorTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETbutton set a newsetpoint temperature for hourlytemperature override mode.After new setpoint temperature set,thermostat will return to the mainscreen and it will temporary overridethe schedule.1 2TEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETTEST / PAIRINGSELECT SETPress SET button to confirm. Thermostat will work for the setperiod of hours. After that it willswitch back to the previous mode.1324