62. Montage2.1 Package content1) VS10WRF/VS10BRF thermostat2) Short instructions3) Mounting screws2.2 Proper thermostat locationPlease note:Wall mounting2.3 Connection Description (VS10WRF/VS10BRF thermostat)1, 2 terminals:- air or floor temperature sensor- external volt-free contact to connect any ON/OFF switch or occupancysensor (Hotel card)- external hot water thermostatSymbols explanation:S – volt-free contactT – temperature sensor eg. FS300L, N – power supply 230V ACMounting: to mount thermostat you can use accesories included with the set (mounting screws). Remove back cover to mount the plate to the wall.Now please insert the batteries inside the thermostat. After this just attach thermostat to the plate right into designed holes in the plate.The ideal position to thermostat mounting is about 1,5m under floor level far from heating or cooling sources.Thermostat can’t be exposed to sunlight or any extreme conditions like for example draft.Because of fire and explosion risk there is not allowed to use thermostat in atmosphere of explosive gases and flammable liquids (eg coal dust). In caseif any of listed dangers occur you have to use additional protection measures – anti-dust and explosive gases (tight cover) or prevent their formation.Furthermore, thermostat can’t be used in condensation of water vapor conditions and be exposed to water action.1 2 3