653Set your thermostat for underfloorheating by „ ” or „ ” buttons.Confirm by button.Now you have to set different VS10WRF/VS10BRF as a slave thermostat:1 25 sec.5 sec.5 sec.Hold buttons for 5seconds to expand menu.Set thermostat as a non-programmableand confirm by button.+ +4Now thermostat is looking for thesignal from the coordinator...5Open the ZigBee network.OR5 sec.5 sec.67 98Using and buttons select the KL08RFnumber (press PAIR button on the KL08RF to seeits address number). Press button to confirm.Thermostat has caught the signal from thecoordinator. Press button to confirm.Use or buttons to selectthe KL08RF zone number and pressbutton to confirm.11Close the ZigBee network.Thermostat has been set as aSLAVE thermostat. You can see “1”next to temperature onthe display and lack of clock asa confirmation. Use orbuttons andchoose - then SLAVEthermostat will follow MASTERgoup controller.OR335 sec.5 sec.Use or buttons to setthermostat as a group thermostat „SLAVE”(choose number 2). Confirm by button.10