20 EB 8091-1 ENMeasures for preparation4 Measures for preparationAfter receiving the shipment, proceed as fol-lows:1. Check the scope of delivery. Comparethe shipment received against the deliv-ery note.2. Check the shipment for transportationdamage. Report any damage to SAM-SON and the forwarding agent (refer todelivery note).4.1 UnpackingDo not remove the packaging until immedi-ately before installing the valve into the pipe-line.Proceed as follows to lift and install thevalve:1. Remove the packaging from the valve.2. Dispose of the packaging in accordancewith the valid regulations.4.2 Transporting and liftingSAMSON's After-sales Service departmentcan provide more detailed transport and lift-ing instructions on request.4.2.1 TransportingThe control valve can be transported usinglifting equipment (e.g. crane or forklift).Î Leave the control valve in its transportcontainer or on the pallet to transport it.Î Observe the transport instructions.Transport instructions− Protect the control valve against externalinfluences (e.g. impact).− Do not damage the corrosion protection(paint, surface coatings). Repair anydamage immediately.− Protect the control valve against moistureand dirt.− The permissible transportation tempera-ture of standard control valves is –4 to+149 °F (–20 to +65 °C).Contact SAMSON's After-sales Service de-partment for the transportation temperaturesof other valve versions.4.2.2 LiftingDue to the low service weight, lifting equip-ment is not required to lift the control valve(e.g. to install it into the pipeline).NoteTipInformation