34 EB 8091-1 ENServicing10. Unscrew the insulating section (7) fromthe body (1). Remove the insulating sec-tion (7) together with the plug (2.1) andplug stem extension (22) from the body(1).11. Remove gasket (2.3). Carefully clean thesealing faces in the valve body (1) andon the insulating section (7).12. Insert a new gasket (2.3) into the body.13. Apply a suitable lubricant to the threadof the insulating section (7).14. Place the insulating section (7) togetherwith the plug (2.1) and plug stem exten-sion (22) onto the body. Use a suitabletool to screw it into the body (1). Ob-serve tightening torques.15. Push the anti-rotation fixture (24.1, with'insulating section' inscribed on it) fromthe top over the insulating section (7)and lock it in place with the fillister headscrew (6).16. Push the bottom section of the top an-ti-rotation fixture (24.2, without inscrip-tion) with its bent end facing downwardonto the insulating section (7).17. Insert the new seal (5) into the insulatingsection (7).18. Place the washer (27) on the insulatingsection (7).19. Apply a suitable lubricant to the threadof the intermediate piece (4).20. Carefully place the intermediate piece (4)over the plug stem extension (22) ontothe insulating section (7). Use a suitabletool to screw it in. Observe tighteningtorques.It must be possible to turn the washer (27)easily after the intermediate piece is fastenedtight. It must not be clamped down.21. Push the top section of the top anti-rota-tion fixture (24.2, with 'plug, seat' etc.inscribed on it) with the bent end facingupward over the intermediate piece (4).22. Insert the fillister head screw (23) throughboth parts of the anti-rotation fixture(24.2). Push the washer (25) from belowonto the screw and lock in place with thehexagon nut (26).23. Place the yoke (13) onto the intermediatepiece (4) and secure with slotted nut(11). Observe tightening torques.24. Mount actuator. See associated actuatordocumentation.7.1.3 Version with bellowsseal1. Remove the actuator from the valve. Seeassociated actuator documentation.2. Loosen the slotted nut (11) at the valve.Remove the yoke (13) from the interme-diate piece (4).3. Loosen the fillister head screw (23) andhexagon nut (26).4. Remove the top section of the top anti-ro-tation fixture (24.2) from the intermedi-ate piece (4).Note