38 EB 8091-1 ENServicing7.3 Replacing the seat andplugRisk of control valve damage due to incorrectservice or repair.Seat and plug can only be replaced when allthe following conditions are met:− The valve does not have a bellows seal.To replace seat and plug in other valve ver-sions, contact SAMSON's After-sales Servicedepartment.Incorrect control due to a combination oftrim parts that do not match each other.The trim parts (seat, plug, anti-rotation fix-ture, and body gasket) are matched to ex-actly fit each other. The anti-rotation fixturemust also be exchanged on replacing theseat and plug. The trim parts are deliveredtogether and marked accordingly (see sec-tion 2.3).Only install matching trim parts.Risk of damage to the facing of the seat andplug due to incorrect service or repair.− Always replace both the seat and plug.− Only install matching trim parts (see sec-tion 2.3).7.3.1 Standard version1. Remove the actuator from the valve. Seeassociated actuator documentation.2. Loosen the slotted nut (11) at the valve.Remove the yoke (13) from the interme-diate piece (4).3. Unscrew the fillister head screw (6) onthe anti-rotation fixture (2.4). Remove theanti-rotation fixture (2.4) from the inter-mediate piece (4).4. Unscrew the intermediate piece (4) fromthe body (1). Remove the intermediatepiece (4) together with plug (2.1) fromthe body (1).5. Replace gasket as described in sec-tion Unscrew the hex nuts (20) from the plugstem (2.1). Remove the stem connectorparts.7. Unscrew the threaded bushing (12).8. Replace the packing. See section 7.2.9. Unscrew the seat (2.2) using a suitabletool.10. Apply a suitable lubricant to the threadand the sealing cone of the new seat.11. Screw in the seat (2.2) using a suitabletool. Observe tightening torques.12. Pull the plug with plug stem (2.1) out ofthe intermediate piece (4).13. Apply a suitable lubricant to the newplug stem (2.1) and thread of the inter-mediate piece (4).14. Slide the new plug with plug stem (2.1)into the intermediate piece (4).NOTICE!NOTICE!NOTICE!