Viewing the ContentsUsing the Zoom mode:J Adjusting picture settingsiB MENU IlII -. Picture·--., Backllgh1 _.. , ENTER [:31• Backlight I Contrast I Brightness I Sharpness I Color I Tint (G/R)Your teleVISion has several opltOns 'or adJuSllng picture quality Select an optionuSIng il"'\€ up and down arrOIA keys. and then press ENTER G. Use the ar~owkeys to adjust the option 'Jalue or select an opliOn seltlf"lg When done. oressENTEAGiE'I NOTE• When yOll make changes [0 Backlight, Contrast, Brightness.Sharpness, Color Or Tlnl (G/R), the OSO will be adlusted accordingly.~ B ~ C~ Move ':) Returno Contents Area: Contains the topic contents, if youselected a sub-menu. To move to the previous ornext page, press the .... / ~ button.f) Try Now: Displays the OSD menu that correspondsto the topic. To return to the e-Manual screen, pressthe E-MANUAL button.f) Home Moves to the e-Manual home screen.o Zoom: Magnifies a screen. You can scroll through themagnified screen by using • / ... buttons.€» 0 (Page): Moves to previous or next page.Press the [!:J (yellow) button to magnify the contents area.You can scroll through the magnified screen by using the• or ... buttons.~ To return to the screen to normal size. press theRETURN button.How to search for a topic on the index page1. To search for a topic, press the left or right arrow button to select a letter, and then press ENTER G. The Index displaysa list of topics and keywords that begin with the letter you selected.2. Press the up or down arrow button to select a topic or keyword, and then press the ENTER G button.3. The e-Manual page with the topic appears.~ To close the Index screen, press the RETURN button.