ICES-003 Class A Notice-AvisNMB-003, Classe AThisClass A digital apparatuscomplies with Canad ian ICES-003.Cet appareil numerique deIaclasse A est conforme aIanorme NMB-003 du Canada.ICES-003 Class B Notice-AvisNMB-003, Classe BThis Class B digital apparatus c om plies with Canadian ICES-003 .Cet appareilnumerique de Ia classe B est conforme a Ia norme NMB-003 du Canada.VCCI Class A Notice:::::.O)~ii:l~,'J 7A.AtM&t.tfrf.r~m-c_;-to;:O)~ma-~fil~Ji-c_;f.~:i'flT.@c.~;J.UJi~a-51~if;:T:::::.ct.J'~LJ*""to:::::.O)~-€ir=r~iim~t.J'iltJJt~%f*~~f.@J:? ~*~n.@:::::.c.t.J'~lJ*""t 0VCCI Class B Notice;:O)~ii:l~,'J7A.B1\H&t.tfif.T~"i:-c_;-to:::::.O)~mr~,~fi!J~Ji-c_;¥lc L-c~'*""tt.J',:::::.O)~mt.J'7:J;;t-\'-J-Tvt:·:;3::_,~f§~r=iliJlL-ciim~n.@c,~i~~~a-51~if:::::.-t:::::.ct.J'~LJ*""tolfl1t.&>-clEL~'lfl1l):j:_&~'~L-cl'~~'oCCC Class A notice - China~~AmF~.~~~~:li*·~F~~~~~~~~~~tt.~~~ffl~l'.~~••m~~~~tt*um~~fi~m•.BSMI Class A NoticeThe following statement is applicable to produ cts shipped toTaiwan and marked as Class A on the productcomplian ce label.':ff!jf!Pffj~:~m~••m•~~·~@~-~$~ffl~·~~-~~M~~m·tt~•m~~·~m~•*¥*~~~~~~~~•·CEBSMI Class A NoticeProducts with the CE marking comply with the EMC Directive(2004/108/ EC)and the LowVo ltageDirective(2006/95/ EC) issued by the Commission of theEuropean Co mm unity.Compliance with these directives implies conformi ty to the followingEuropean Norms:- EN55022: RadioFrequency Interference- EN55024: Electromagnetic Immunity ofInformation Tec hn ology Equipment- EN6 1000 -3-2: PowerLine Harmonics-EN61000-3-3:VoltageFluctuations-EN550 13: Radio disturbance characteristics of broadcast receive rs and associated equipments- EN55020: Electromagnetic imm unity of broadcast receivers and associated equipmEuropean Class A Warning(If the user manualdeclares the product as Class A, following statement applies.)This is a class A product In a domestic environment this product may cause radio in terference in which case the user may berequired to take adequate measures.As· 7/7/(g;J!f!§'9~~tf7/XfXH)Ol7171~~.!:f.g.(A-8)~:;qnf~gt7171£..A:j~DHJ.:fEE~..A..fg.;.:f~Ol~g.2?-2.1of..A..I71t:lf2.f!Jj,7f~2.1£1J.:IQ'!Oli..A..i..A..fg.of~-3:!g~~ 0£gtLICf .BE:7/7/(71-M§'9~~t!7/XfXH)Ol7171~7f~g.(B8)~;.:fnf~gt717I£..A..i.2?-£7f~Oli..A..i..A..fg.of~-3:!g~~ 0£o fDi,2.~J.:IQ'!Oli..A..i..A..fg.w-'? ~.;;LICf.Italian Homologation NoticeOuesto apparecchio e fabbricato in conformita al D.M.28.08.95 n.548ed in pa rti co lare a quanto specificato nellArt.2, comma 1.Ouesto a pp arecchio e fabbricato nella U.E. in co nformitaalD.M.28.08.95 n.548Art.2, comma 1 ed al D.M.26.03 .92 Art.1- Fo r products produced in countries except European CommunityOuesto apparecchio e fabbricato in conformita al D.M.28 .08.95 n.548ed in pa rti co lare a quanto spec ifi cato nellArt.2, comma 1.- Fo r products produced in European Co mmunityOuesto apparecc hi o e fabbricato nella U.E. in co nformita al D.M.28.08.95 n.548Art.2, co mm a 1 ed al D.M.26.03.92 Art.1