EU Eco-Label {EU Eco-Label applied model onJy) ,Products which have model codes that end in XU are intended for the UK market. Samsung has not applied for Ecolabels for products with thisspeCific model code.Better for the environment. ..• High Energy Efficiency• Reduced C0 2 emissions• Designed to facilitate repair and recycling... better for[..___E_u_Ec_o_l_ab_e_l_:H_uJ_o_2_21_0_2__]SAMSUNG Electronics makes an effort to develop environment-friendly product that minimizing an impact to environment through wholeprocess from getting raw materials, production, transportation, usage and end-of-life disposal by adding 'environment' on function, price,quality, design that were the essence for product development.These environmental characteristics are endorsed by the award of the European Eco-label (also known as the Euro Flower) issued bythe European Commission as approval of the product environmental status for energy saving, facilities for recycling and a host of otherfeatures. The full list of criteria and more information on the ecolabel canbe found at the web-site address: http://www.ecolabel.euRecycling Information (Tak&-back offer) - . . .. .. . .·For recycling information for our products, please contact the company corresponding to your region of residence.For those who reside in other countries, please contact a nearest local Samsung dealer for recycling information for the products to be treatedin environmentally acceptable way.The information of Regional Takeback Schemes can be found at Samsung's web-site. Only ~ ·' .® CHMBOil «He Ails:! nHll.leBO~ npOAYKLIHH» npHM8HS'I8TCS'I 8 COOTBeTCTBH8 C T8XHW-18CKVIM pernaM8HTOMTaMo>KeHHOro co103a «0 6e3onacHOCTH ynaKOBKH» 005/2011 H yKa3biBaeT Ha TO, liTO ynaKOBKa A8HHOronpOAYKTa He npeAH83Hal!eHa Ails:! nosmpHoro Hcnoilb30BaHHS'I H nO):IIl8>KHT yTHilH38l.IVIH .. YnaKOBKYA8HHoro npo):lyKTa 3anpell.laeTcs:~ Hcnonb30BaTb 1=\Ils:l xpaHeHHS'I nHll.leBo~ npOI=\YKLIVIH.u CHMBOil «neTils:l Me6Hyca» yKa3biBaeT Ha B03MO>KHOCTb yTHillt133l.llt1111 ynaKOBKit1 .. CI!1MBOil MO>KeT6b1Tb ,[\OnOilH8H 0603H3li8Hii18M M3T8pli13Il3 ynaKOBKit1 B 8111,[\8 L.11t1QJpOBOrQ lt1/lt1Illt1 6yKB8HHOrD0603H3'-18Hit1S'I.® CHMBOil Ke,QeH,QiK 0,[\81\Tbll-\ 005/2011 T8XHit1K3Ilbll\ pernaMeHTiHe ca~Kec I\OilA8Hbiila,Qbl >KeHe ocbleHiMHil-\ 1\anTaMaCbiH eKiHwi peT naLii,QailaHyfa apHailMafaHbiH >KaHe >KOtOfa >KaTaTbiHbiH KepceTe,Qi ..0Cbl 8HiMHil-\ l\8nT3M8CbiH 83bii\-TYiliK eHiM,QepiH C81\Tay ywiH naLiJ,QailaHyfa Tbl~biM C8IlbiH8Abl..u C~t~MBOil 1\anTaMaHbl >KOIO MYMKiH,QiriH KepceTe,Qi .. C~t~MBOil caH,Qbll\ KOA >KeHe/HeMece epin6enriilepi TypiH,Qeri l\3nTaMa M3T8plt13Jlb1Hbll-\ 6enriCiM8H TOJlbii\TblpbiilYbl MYMKiH ..1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BN68-04972A-01