English - ArtistSorts music files by the artist.It sorts the music file by artist in alphabetical order.1. Select “Artist” as the sorting standard in the Music List.2. Press the ◄ or ► button to select from the sublist of files grouped inalphabetical order.To move to the previous / next group, press the (REW) or(FF) button.3. Press the TOOLS button.4. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Play Current Group”.5. Press ENTER to play the selected group of music files from thesublist.MoodSorts music files by the mood.You can change the music mood information.1. Select “Mood” as the sorting standard in the Music List.2. Press the ◄ or ► button to select from the sublist of files grouped bymood.To move to the previous / next group, press the (REW) or(FF) button.3. Press the TOOLS button.4. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Play Current Group”.5. Press ENTER to play the selected group of music files from thesublist.Changing the Mood information1. Select “Mood” as the sorting standard in the Music List and press the◄ or ► button to select a music file.2. Press the TOOLS button.3. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to select “Change Group”. Press the ENTERbutton.Wiselink identifies the mood of the music files and groups themaccordingly by analyzing the music files on the USB device.“Mood” information extracted from a music file may not always matchthe Mood option. For example, a file you think is “Energetic” may beextracted to the “Exciting” mood option.4. Press the ◄ or ► button to select the desired option, then press theENTER button.The group information of the current file is updated and the file ismoved to the new group.“Mood” options: Energetic, Rhythmical, Sad, Exciting, Calm,Unclassified➣➣➣➣➣➣➣➣MusicSUM Device Favourites Setting Select Jump OptionEnergetic ★ ★ ★JeeAlbum 12005PopThanksSad ★ ★ ★DarbyAlbum 22005PopI Love YouCalm ★ ★ ★CatherineAlbum 32005PopBetter than yesterdayTitleArtistMoodCatherine Darby Darby Darby Darby Jee Jee▲Play Current GroupDeleteInformationRemove SafelyMusicSUM Device Favourites Setting Select Jump OptionEnergetic ★ ★ ★JeeAlbum 12005PopThanksSad ★ ★ ★DarbyAlbum 22005PopI Love YouCalm ★ ★ ★CatherineAlbum 32005PopBetter than yesterdayPlay Current GroupDeleteChange GroupInformation▼ArtistMoodGenreRhythmical Sad Exciting Calm ...▲MusicSUM Device Favourites Setting Select Jump OptionEnergetic ★ ★ ★JeeAlbum 12005PopThanksSad ★ ★ ★DarbyAlbum 22005PopI Love YouCalm ★ ★ ★CatherineAlbum 32005PopBetter than yesterdayArtistMoodGenreRhythmical Sad Exciting Calm ...▲Energetic Rhythmical Sad Exciting Calm Unclassified