English - Playing a Movie FilePlaying a movie file. Press the ▼ button to select the File List Section.. Pressing the ◄ or ► button to select a movie file to be played.. Press the ∂ (Play)/ENTERE button.The selected file is played.The selected file is displayed at the top with its playing time.The playing duration of a movie file may be displayed as ‘00:00:00’ if itsplaying time information is not found at the start of the file.You can watch exciting gaming multimedia files, but the gaming function is notsupported.Supported Subtitle FormatsName File extension FormatMPEG-4 time-based text .ttxt XMLSAMI .smi HTMLSubRip .srt string-basedSubViewer .sub string-basedMicro DVD .sub or .txt string-basedSupported Movie FormatsFile extension Container Video Decoder Audio codec Resolution*.avi AVIDivx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0MP3AC3LPCMADPCM720x576XviD 1920x1080H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080Motion JPEG 800x600*.mkv MKVDivx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0MP3AC3LPCMADPCM720x576XviD 1920x1080H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080Motion JPEG 800x600*.asf ASFDivx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0MP3AC3LPCMADPCMWMA720x576XviD 1920x1080H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080Motion JPEG 800x600*.wmv ASF VC1 WMA 1920x1080*.mp4 MP4(SMP4)H.264 BP / MP / HP MP3ADPCMAAC1920x1080MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080XVID 1920x1080*.3gp 3GPP H.264 BP / MP / HP ADPCMAAC1920x1080MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080*.vro VROVOBMPEG2 AC3MPEGLPCM1920x1080MPEG1 1920x1080*.mpg*.mpeg PS MPEG1 AC3MPEGPCM1920x1080MPEG2 1920x1080*.ts*.tp*.trp TSMPEG2AACMP31920x1080H.264 1920x1080VC1 1920x1080¦NNNNNNE Pause ◀ ▶ Jump T Tools R ReturnSUMABC.avi▶ 00:00:01 / 00:05:30 3/37