27Installation ProcedureEnglish3 Specifications of the terminal blocks(Unit: mm)AΧͱиʪθࡠđߥϑʀθʪиAͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ࡠđߤϑʀθʪиAͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ࡠđߦࢋߤϑʀθʪиkø911 13186.62 7.62107.5 9.013.8CAUTION࡙ When installing the product, be sure to install a2-way electric valve on the water inlet pipe.When connecting a 2-way electric value, be sure tocheck the correct sub PBA terminals as shown in thefigure below.Incorrect terminal connection may cause productmalfunction. (Valve: Purchased at site) ॕSpecification: AC 220 to 240V (Operating currentmust be 0.3A or less.) ॕΧΧ̷̈ʀɇɵ̷ʪϩцΧʪࡠĮĘࢥĮϑϩɇθϩЇΧʀͱ͝ϩɇʀϩ࡙ The standard specification is that the power supplyfor the fan coil unit should be separate from that for aheat source such as a chiller.N N1-NO 1-NCN2-NO 2-NCWiring diagram when connecting a 2-way valve2-Way valve1(installed onsite)2-Way valve2(installed onsite)N N1-NO 1-NCN2-NO 2-NC3-way valve1(installed onsite)3-way valve2(installed onsite)Wiring diagram when connecting a 3-way valve࡙ In the 05 series installation options, the SEG15 and SEG22 valuesdefine the valve signals, classified as shown in the table below.࡙ Connect to the NO or NC terminal in compliance with the valvespecification (Normal Close or Normal Open).࡙ Both the SEG15 and SEG22 options are set to 0 at the factory.࡙ For additional valve operations, refer to the descriptions of theinstallation options SEG15 and SEG16 for the 05 series.SEG15 ߣߣƊk ĮΧʪθɇϩ̈ͱ͝ Ǥɇ̷Эʪߢ Ǥɇ̷Эʪߣ00 Cooling Thermo On ON ONHeating Thermo On ON ON1 Cooling Thermo On ON OFFHeating Thermo On OFF ON10 Cooling Thermo On OFF OFFHeating Thermo On OFF OFF1 Cooling Thermo On OFF ONHeating Thermo On ON OFF4 Specifications of electrical wiring between fan coil unitsťͱиʪθϑЇΧΧ̷ц࣍ϑ̈͝˝̷ʪΧ˵ɇϑʪ࣎ MCCB kø9 ťͱиʪθʀɇɵ̷ʪkɇθϩ˵ӥθʪAͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʀɇɵ̷ʪ220 to 240 VMin. 198VMax. 264VXAXA, 30mA0.1 s2.5 mm²or more 2.5 mm² 0.75 to 1.5 mm²Decide the capacity of ELB and MCCB using thefollowing formula.̈॥ǹߢࢋߢǹߦߣࢋߢॉࣅǹࣄNOTE࡙ X: The capacity of ELB, MCCB࡙ ॥̈ : Sum of the rated currents of the fan coil units