40Installation ProcedureEnglishInstallation ProcedureCAUTION࡙ If you enter A to F to the SEG5 or SEG6, the fan coilunit main address is not changed.࡙ If you enter 0 to the SEG 3, the fan coil unit maintainsthe previous main address although you enter theoption value for the SEG5 or SEG 6.࡙ If you enter 0 to the SEG 9, the fan coil unit maintainsprevious RMC address although you enter the optionvalue for the SEG11 or SEG12.࡙ You cannot set the SEG11 or SEG12 to F value at thesame time.Setting the fan coil unit installation option(suitable for the condition of each installationlocation)1 Make sure that the power is supplied to the fan coilunit.࡙ If the fan coil unit is not plugged in, it mustinclude a power supply.Fan coil unit1(L) F2F12(N)2 Make sure that the panel or display is connected tothe fan coil unit so that it can receive options3 Set an address for each fan coil unit using the remotecontrol, according to your air conditioning systemplan.࡙ The fan coil unit addresses are set to 020010-100000-200000-300000 by default.࡙ The SEG20 option, individual control with remotecontrol, allows you to control multiple fan coilunits individually by using the remote control.4 Set the fan coil unit installation options using theremote control.Ã͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ɇϩ̈ͱ͝ͱΧϩ̈ͱ͝ϑ˙ͱθϩ˵ʪߣߡϑʪθ̈ʪϑSEG1 ߣƊk ߤƊk SEG4 SEG5 ߧƊk0 2 Evaporator DryingUse of externaltemperature sensorࢥđ͔̈̈̈͝ї͝˝˙ɇ͝operation whenthermostat is offUse of centralcontrolCompensation of thefan RPMSEG7 SEG8 SEG9 ߡߢƊk SEG11 ߣߢƊk1 Use of drain pump Use of hot waterheater - - -ߤߢƊk SEG14 SEG15 ߧߢƊk SEG17 SEG182 Use of externalcontrolExternal controlͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥExternal heaterͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥCooling operationͱЇϩΧЇϩࢥCooling output byexternal equipmentS-Plasma ion Buzzer control Maximum filterusage timeSEG19 ߡߣƊk ߢߣƊk ߣߣƊk ߤߣƊk ߥߣƊk3 Individual controlwith remote controlHeating settingcompensationͱ˙˙ϑʪϩࢥŵʪ͔ͱӬ͝˝condensated waterin the Heat mode- Motion detectionsensor -