19EnglishInstallation ProcedureLEAK TEST WITH NITROGEN (before opening valves)Pressure check the refrigerant system using highpressure nitrogen in order to detect basic refrigerantleaks Before performing the vacuum process andreleasing the factory R-410A charge into the refrigerantpipes, it is the responsibility of the installer to pressurizethe whole system with nitrogen (using a cylinder withpressure reducer) at a pressure above 4 MPa (gauge).LEAK TEST WITH R-410A (after opening valves)Before opening valves, discharge all the nitrogen into thesystem and create vacuum. After opening valves checkleaks using a leak detector for refrigerant R-410A.Once you have completed all the connections, check forpossible leaks using leak detector specifically designedfor HFC refrigerants.Step 10 Adding refrigerant (R-410A)Important information regulation regarding therefrigerant usedThis product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases. Donot vent gases into the atmosphere.CAUTION• Ã͝˙ͱθ͔Їϑʪθ̈˙ϑцϑϩʪ͔ʀͱ͝ϩɇ̈͝ϑߦϩAĮࠕʪͱθ͔ͱθʪͱ˙fluorinated greenhouse gases. In this case, it has tobe checked for leakage at least once every 12 months,according to regulation n°517/2014. This activity has tobe covered by qualified personnel only.• Ã͝ʀɇϑʪϑ̈ϩЇɇϩ̈ͱ͝ɇɵͱЭʪ࣍ߦϩAĮࠕʪͱθ͔ͱθʪͱ˙ŵࣗߡߢߥ࣎ࡡinstaller (or recognized person which has responsibilityfor final check) has to provide a maintenance book,with all the information recorded according toREGULATION (EU) No 517/2014 OF THE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 16 April 2014on fluorinated greenhouse gases.Please fill in the following with indelible ink on therefrigerant charge label supplied with this product andon this manual.࡛ 幬 : The factory refrigerant charge of the product.࡛ 幭 : The additional refrigerant amount charged in thefield.࡛ 幬 + 幭: The total refrigerant charge.Indoor UnitOutdoor Unit①②dUnit kg ϩAĮࠂʪ幬, a幭, b幬+ 幭, cRefrigerant type GWP valueR-410A 2088• GWP: Global Warming Potential• Aɇ̷ʀЇ̷ɇϩ̈͝˝ϩAĮࠕʪࡠ̧˝уǮťࢥߡߡߡߢNOTEa Factory refrigerant charge of the product: see unitname plateb Additional refrigerant amount charged in thefield(Refer to the above information for thequantity of refrigerant replenishment.)c Total refrigerant charged Refrigerant cylinder and manifold for charging