46Refrigerant pipe installationAllowable length of the refrigerant pipe and the installation examplesH/PA̷ɇϑϑ̈ѣʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ Single Installation Module installationInstalling only withǽ̟ࣗͱ̈͝ϩ ah1AOutdoor unit Branch jointIndoor unitB C D E F G2 3 4 5 6 78i j k l m nb c d e f g pH2H1 ah1AOutdoor unit Branch jointIndoor unitB C D E F G2 3 4 5 6 78i j k l m nb c d e f g pH2H1Installing withǽ̟ࣗͱ̈͝ϩɇ͝ʒdistribution header1 2 3 4 5 67 8A BOutdoor unit Branch jointDistributionheaderIndoor unitc d e f g ha b ji kH2H11 2 3 4 5 67 8A BOutdoor unitBranch jointDistribution headerIndoor unitc d e f g ha b ji kH2H1Installing only withdistribution headerOutdoor unitIndoor unitbac d e f g h iH2H11 2 3 4 5 6 78Distribution headerOutdoor unitIndoor unitbac d e f g h iH2H11 2 3 4 5 6 78Distribution headerA̷ɇϑϑ̈ѣʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ Example ŵʪ͔ɇθ̧ϑMaximumɇ̷̷ͱиɇɵ̷ʪlength ofpipeOutdoor unit ॄÃ͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩActual length(Equivalentlength)࣎ߧߦߧ͔࣍ߡߡߣɇ͝ʒɵʪ̷ͱи࣎ߣߣߨ͔࣍ߡߣߣࣄɇ͝ʒɵʪ̷ͱиࣅInstalling only withY-jointɇफ़ɵफ़ʀफ़ʒफ़ʪफ़˙फ़˝फ़Χ॒࣎ߣߣߨ࣍ߧߦߧࢥ͔࣎ߡߣߣ͔࣍ߡߡߣ Equivalentlength Y-joint:ࡡ࣎ߥߧࢋߢ͔࣍ߦࢋߡÜϑϩθ̈ɵЇϩ̈ͱ࣎͝ߩߣࢋߤ͔࣍ߢࡠ˵ʪɇʒʪθInstalling with Y-jointɇ͝ʒʒ̈ϑϩθ̈ɵЇϩ̈ͱ͝˵ʪɇʒʪθࡡ࣎ߣߣߨ࣍ߧߦߧࢥ͔࣎ߡߣߣ͔࣍ߡߡߣ॒ɇफ़ɵफ़˵࣎ߣߣߨ࣍ߧߦߧࢥ͔࣎ߡߣߣ͔࣍ߡߡߣ॒ɇफ़̈फ़̧Installing only withʒ̈ϑϩθ̈ɵЇϩ̈ͱ͝˵ʪɇʒʪθ ࣎ߣߣߨ࣍ߧߦߧࢥ͔࣎ߡߣߣ͔࣍ߡߡߣ॒ɇफ़̈Total length ofpipe (m)࣎ߢߩߣߤ͔࣍ߡߡߡߢor lessInstalling only withY-jointɇफ़ɵफ़ʀफ़ʒफ़ʪफ़˙फ़˝फ़˵फ़̈फ़ ̟फ़̧फ̷़फ़͔फ़͝फ़Χ॒ߡߡߡߢ͔࣍ ࣎ߢߩߣߤInstalling with Y-jointɇ͝ʒʒ̈ϑϩθ̈ɵЇϩ̈ͱ͝˵ʪɇʒʪθɇफ़ɵफ़ʀफ़ʒफ़ʪफ़˙फ़˝फ़˵फ़̈फ़̟फ़̧॒࣎ߢߩߣߤ͔࣍ߡߡߡߢInstalling only withʒ̈ϑϩθ̈ɵЇϩ̈ͱ͝˵ʪɇʒʪθ ɇफ़ɵफ़ʀफ़ʒफ़ʪफ़˙फ़˝फ़˵फ़॒̈ߡߡߡߢ͔࣍ߢߩߣߤ࣎ĮЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩॄOutdoor unit(Moduleinstallation)Pipe length ࣎ߤߤ͔࣍ߡߢor less ࣎ߤߤ͔࣍ߡߢ॒ϩࡡ࣎ߤߤ͔࣍ߡߢ॒ϑࡡ࣎ߤߤ͔࣍ߡߢ॒θEquivalentlength࣎ߤߥ͔࣍ߤߢor less ࣎ߤߥ͔࣍ߤߢ॒ϩࡡ࣎ߤߥ͔࣍ߤߢ॒ϑࡡ࣎ߤߥ͔࣍ߤߢ॒θMaximumɇ̷̷ͱиɇɵ̷ʪheightdifferenceof pipeOutdoor unit ॄÃ͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩ ࣎ߢߧߤࢥߢߧߤ͔࣍ߡߢߢࢥߡߢߢ Ęͱϩʪߣ࣎ ࣎ߢߧߤࢥߢߧߤ͔࣍ߡߢߢࢥߡߢߢ॒ߢ²Ã͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩॄIndoor unit࣎ߥߧߢ͔࣍ߡߦ ࣎ߥߧߢ͔࣍ߡߦ॒ߣ²9Їϩࡡи˵ʪ͝đ०००²ĘůUA०̈ϑ̈͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ʪʒࡡߣ²̈ϑߦߢ͔࣍ߪߥ࣎ͱθ̷ʪϑϑࢋMaximumɇ̷̷ͱиɇɵ̷ʪlength afterɵθɇ͝ʀ˵joinẗθϑϩɵθɇ͝ʀ˵̟ͱ̈͝ϩॄFarthestIndoor unitPipe length࣎ߩߥߢ͔࣍ߦߥor less ࣎ߩߥߢ͔࣍ߦߥ॒̈ࡡ࣎ߩߥߢ͔࣍ߦߥ॒ɵफ़ʀफ़ʒफ़ʪफ़˙फ़˝फ़Χ͔࣍ߡߪ͔ॄߦߥ࣎ߦߪߣॄߩߥߢĘͱϩʪߢ࣎ŵʪαЇ̈θʪʒʀͱ͝ʒ̈ϩ̈ͱ͝ϑ͔Їϑϩɵʪϑɇϩ̈ϑѣʪʒ Exclude H/R