82Charging additional refrigerantModule installation॰ Open the manifold gauge valve connected to the liquid side service valve and add the liquid refrigerant.॰ If you cannot add the whole quantity of the refrigerant while the outdoor unit is stopped, open the gas sideɇ͝ʒ̷̈αЇ̈ʒϑ̈ʒʪϑʪθӬʀʪЭɇ̷ЭʪࢋƟ˵ʪ͝ࡡɇʒʒθʪ͔ɇ̈̈͝͝˝θʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩ ɵцΧθʪϑϑ̈͝˝ϩ˵ʪθʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩɇʒʒ̈͝˝ɵЇϩϩͱ͝ͱ˙the outdoor PCB.॰ If you use the refrigerant charging function from the PCB, outdoor unit will operate and charge therefrigerant. At this time, you must use gas side manifold gauge for cooling operation and use chargingport for heating at the manifold gauge for heating operation.GassideScaleߡߢߥŵࣗ(Inject liquidrefrigerant)Liquid sideVacuum portLiquid side pipe Service valveOutdoor unit Outdoor unitManifold gage• Open the gas side and liquid side service valve completely after charging the refrigerant. (If youͱΧʪθɇϩʪϩ˵ʪɇ̈θʀͱ͝ʒ̈ϩ̈ͱ͝ʪθӥϩ˵ϩ˵ʪϑʪθӬʀʪЭɇ̷Эʪʀ̷ͱϑʪʒࡡϩ˵ʪ͔̈ Χͱθϩɇ͝ϩΧɇθϩϑ͔ɇцɵʪʒɇ͔ɇ˝ʪʒࢋ࣎• Put on safety equipment when charging refrigerant.• Do not charge the refrigerant when you adjust or control other product such as indoor units or EEVkits.• Ã˙цͱЇʀ˵ɇθ˝ʪϩ˵ʪθʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩӥϩ˵ϩ˵ʪ˙θͱ͝ϩʀɇɵ̈͝ʪϩͱΧʪ͝ࡡɵʪЭ ʪθцʀɇθʪ˙Ї̷ӥϩ˵ϩ˵ʪ˙ɇ͝ͱ͝ϩ˵ʪϩͱΧͱ˙the product to prevent personal injury.• Ǯ˵ʪ͝ϩ˵ʪɇ͔ɵ̈ʪ͝ϩϩʪ͔ΧʪθɇϩЇθʪ̈ϑ̷ͱӥ͝ӥ͝ϩʪθϩ͔̈ʪࡡʒͱ͝ͱϩ˵ʪɇϩ ϩ˵ʪθʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩʀͱ͝ϩɇ̈͝ʪθϩͱspeed up the charging process. There is risk of explosion.• 9ʪиɇθʪ˙ͱθΧͱϑϑ̈ɵ̷̈̈ϩцͱ˙θʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩ̷ʪɇ̧ɇ˝ʪи˵ʪ͝цͱЇʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩ ϩ˵ʪ͔ɇ̈͝˙ͱ̷ʒ˝ɇЇ˝ʪϩͱϩ˵ʪʀ˵ɇθ˝̈͝˝port for heating.• Close the valve of the refrigerant container immediately after charging the refrigerant. If not, there ͔̈˝˵ϩɵʪɇʀ˵ɇ͝˝ʪ̈͝ʪ͝ϩ̈θʪɇ͔ͱЇ͝ϩͱ˙θʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩࢋCAUTIONUsing service valve for gas॰ After charging the refrigerant, close all caps as shown in theillustration.॰ Tightening torque for the cap of refrigerant charging port˙ϩ࣎ࡔ̷ɵ˙ߪࢋߩॄߥࢋߨ͔࣍ࡔĘߣߢॄߡߢ॰ Ɵ̈˝˵ϩʪ̈͝͝˝ϩͱθαЇʪ˙ͱθϩ˵ʪʀɇΧͱ˙ʀͱ͝ϩθͱ̷ΧɇθϩߡߣॄߦߣĘࡔ͔࣍ߩࢋߥߢॄ ˙ϩ࣎ࡔ̷ɵ˙ߥࢋߩߢ॰ Opening/closing torque for the valve- ˙ϩ࣎ࡔ̷ɵ˙ߥࢋߨ͔࣍ࡔĘߡߢࡠ̈͝ʀ˵࣎ߥࢥߤ࣍ŝ͔͔ߦߡࢋߪߢŝĮЭʪθCap for the control partCap for the refrigerantcharging port