97ENGLISHThings to check after completing the installationࢋߢ 9ʪ˙ͱθʪϑЇΧΧ̷ц̈͝˝ϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθࡡЇϑʪUAߡߡߦǤ࣍đ००००ǹǤ०â०࣎ͱθUA ߡߡߧǤ࣍đ००००ǹǤ००࣎̈͝ϑЇ̷ɇϩ̈ͱ͝θʪϑ̈ϑϩɇ͝ʀʪϩʪϑϩʪθϩͱ͔ʪɇϑЇθʪϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθ࣍ߤΧ˵ɇϑʪࡠŵࡡƊࡡƟ࣎ϩʪθ͔̈͝ ɇ̷ɇ͝ʒϩ˵ʪͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩ˝θͱЇ͝ʒ̈͝˝ࢋ- đʪɇϑЇθʪ͔ʪ͝ϩϑ˵ͱЇ̷ʒɵʪͱЭʪθߡߤđूࢋࢋߣ Before supplying the power, use a voltmeter and phase tester to check the voltage and the phase.- R, S, T terminal: A˵ʪʀ̧ϩ˵ʪߡߧߥǤ࣍đ००००ǹǤ०â०࣎ͱθߡߤߣǤ࣍đ००००ǹǤ००࣎ɵʪϩиʪʪ͝ӥθ ʪϑ࣍ŵࣗƊࡡƊࣗƟࡡƟࣗŵ࣎॑kø9ौࣄđ००००ǹǤ०â०ࣅ ࣄđ००००ǹǤ००ࣅ॑kø9ौǤߡߧߥ ǤߡߤߣǤߡߧߥ ǤߡߤߣǤߡߧߥ Ǥߡߤߣ• Never measure the communication terminal since communication circuit may get damaged.• Check for short-circuit of the communication terminal with a general circuit tester.CAUTIONࢋߤ A˵ʪʀ̧̈˙ϩ˵ʪŵࣗߡߢߥ̈͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩϑɇθʪʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩʪʒࢋࢋߥ Check the following after the installation is completed.InstallationworkĮЇϩʒͱͱθunit• Have you checked the external surface and the inside of the outdoor unit?• Ãϑϩ˵ʪθʪɇ͝цΧͱϑϑ̈ɵ̷̈̈ϩцͱ˙ϑ˵ͱθϩࣗʀ̈θʀЇ̈ϩʀɇЇϑʪʒɵцϩ˵ʪ˵ʪɇϩͱ˙ ɇ͝ͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩࢌ• Is the place well-ventilated and ensures space for service?• Ãϑϩ˵ʪͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩѣуʪʒϑʪʀЇθʪ̷цϩͱӥϩ˵ϑϩɇ͝ʒɇ͝цʪуϩʪθ͝ɇ̷˙ͱθ ࢌʀʪIndoorunit• Have you checked the external surface and the inside of the indoor unit?• Is there enough space for service?• ²ɇЭʪцͱЇʀ˵ʪʀ̧ʪʒ̈˙ϩ˵ʪʀʪ͝ϩʪθͱ˙ϩ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩ̈ϑʪ͝ϑЇθʪʒɇ͝ ʒ̈ϩ̈ϑ̈͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ʪʒ˵ͱθ̈іͱ͝ϩɇ̷̷цࢌŵʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ϩΧ̈Χʪwork• Have you selected correct pipes?• Are the liquid and gas valve open?• Ãϑϩ˵ʪϩͱϩɇ̷͝Ї͔ɵʪθͱ˙ʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩʪʒ̈͝ʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩϑӥϩ˵̈͝ϩ˵ʪɇ̷̷ͱиɇ ɵ̷ʪθɇ͝˝ʪࢌ• θʪϩ˵ʪ̷ʪ͝˝ϩ˵ɇ͝ʒϩ˵ʪ˵ʪ̈˝˵ϩʒ̈˙˙ʪθʪ͝ʀʪɵʪϩиʪʪ͝ϩ˵ʪθʪ˙θ̈˝ʪθɇ͝ ϩΧ̈Χʪϑӥϩ˵̈͝ϩ˵ʪɇ̷̷ͱиɇɵ̷ʪθɇ͝˝ʪࢌ• θʪϩ˵ʪɵθɇ͝ʀ˵̟ͱ̈͝ϩϑΧθͱΧʪθ̷ц̈͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ʪʒࢌ• Did you check the connection of liquid and gas pipes?• Have you selected correct insulator for pipes and insulated them correctly?• Did you insulate the pipes and connection part correctly?• Is the quantity of the additional refrigerant correctly weighed in? (You must record the amount ofadditional refrigerant on the service record paper placed inside of the outdoor unit.)Drain pipe work• Have you checked if the drain pipes of the indoor and outdoor unit are connected together?• Have you completed the drain test?• Is the drain pipe properly insulated?Electrical wiringwork• θʪϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθʀɇɵ̷ʪɇ͝ʒʀͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʀɇɵ̷ʪϩ̈˝˵ϩʪ͝ʪʒѣθ̷͔цͱ͝ ϩ˵ʪϩʪθ͔̈͝ɇ̷ɵͱɇθʒӥϩ˵̈͝the range of rated tightening torque?• ²ɇЭʪцͱЇʀ˵ʪʀ̧ʪʒ˙ͱθʀθͱϑϑࣗʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩ̈ͱ͝ͱ˙ϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθɇ͝ʒʀͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀ ɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʀɇɵ̷ʪϑࢌ• ²ɇЭʪцͱЇΧʪθ˙ͱθ͔ʪʒϩ˵ʪʪɇθϩ˵̈͝˝иͱθ̧ߤϩͱϩ˵ʪͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩࢌ• ÜʒцͱЇ͔ɇ̧ʪϑЇθʪϩͱЇϑʪߣࣗʀͱθʪʀɇɵ̷ʪ࣍͝ͱϩ͔Ї̷ϩ̈ࣗʀͱθʪʀɇɵ̷ʪ࣎˙ͱ θϩ˵ʪʀͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ʀɇɵ̷ʪࢌ• Is the length of the wire within allowed range?• Is the wiring route correct?Setting address• Did you set the address of the indoor and outdoor units properly?• ÜʒцͱЇϑʪϩϩ˵ʪɇʒʒθʪϑϑͱ˙ϩ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθɇ͝ʒͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩϑΧθͱΧʪθ̷ цࢌ࣍Ǯ˵ʪ͝Їϑ̈͝˝͔Ї̷ϩ̈Χ̷ʪremote controllers)ĮΧϩ̈ͱ͝ • Ã˙ϩ˵ʪθʪ̈ϑɇΧͱϑϑ̈ɵ̷̈̈ϩцͱ˙ϩ˵ʪͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ϩ˙θͱ͔Ӭɵθɇϩ̈͝˝ࡡʀ ˵ʪʀ̧и˵ʪϩ˵ʪθϩ˵ʪɇ͝ϩ̈ࣗӬɵθɇϩ̈ͱ͝frame is correctly installed.