E-4WARNING Do not attempt to repair,move, modify or reinstallthe unit on your own. Makesure that these installationsare carried out by qualifiedpersonnel to avoid electricshock or fire. Never spill any kind of liquidinto the unit. Should thishappen, unplug or mainswitch off the unit andcontact an authorizedservice center.DURING OPERATION Do not place any obstacles infront of the unit.Make sure that the unit iscorrectly ventilated at alltimes: Do not place clothingor other materials over it. If the wireless remotecontrol is not used fora long time, remove thebatteries. (If applicable)When using a wirelessremote control, the distanceshould not be more than7 meters from the airconditioner. (If applicable) Do not place any materialsso that children cannot stepon it. Do not connect the electricheater to the air conditioneror repair it with yourdiscretion.The manufacturer declinesany liability for damageresulting from modificationsor errors in the electrical orhydraulic connections. Do not insert anythingbetween the air outletblades because the inner fanmay be damaged and couldcause injury. Keep childrenaway from the unit. Failure to observe theinstallation instruction, or useof the unit under conditionsother than those indicated inthe table 'Operating limit' ofthe unit installation manual,will immediately invalidatethe unit warranty.FORTE_Inv_31717A_IB_E.indd 4 2010-1-28 11:37:17