23EnglishSmart FeaturesSmart FeaturesEco functionThis function is not supported by Free Joint Multi systems.Use the Eco function to reduce electricity consumption while stayingcool or warm. You can select this function in Cool or Heat mode.In Cool or Heat mode ॷ ॷ ॷSelect Eco. ॷNOTE࡛ When the Eco function starts, the pattern appears on theremote control for a few seconds and vertical air swing begins.࡛ You can change the set temperature, airflow direction, and fanspeed.࡛ The allowed set temperatures while the Eco function is on are:Mode Minumum settemperatureMaximum settemperatureCool ঙ࣒ߦߤ࣑ছߨߩ ঙ࣒ߢߥ࣑ছߨߪHeat ঙ࣒ߪ࣑ছߩߦ ঙ࣒ߢߥ࣑ছߨߪ࡛ If you change the set temperature to be outside the allowed rangefor the current mode, the set temperature is automatically reset tobe within the range.࡛ When you turn off the Eco function, the air swing continues. Usethe (Vertical air swing) or (Horizontal air swing) buttonto turn it off.࡛ Selecting the Eco function cancels the Wind-Free Cooling,good'sleep, Fast, and Quiet functions.